Do Email Marketing the Right Way

Last night around 1 AM, my mobile beeped. I received an offer email from quite a well-known brand about a mega sale that was running on their platform. Yes, 1  AM at night. Obviously I did not avail that offer for a simple grudge that it ruined my sleep.

But yes then I sat down and thought what might be the other reasons why email marketing is not working for brands.

 Mass mailers are still are still the most viable method of contacting


Email Marketing- Some wacky problems with wackier solutions

Problem 1.  Hello Customer, cool offers for you

Do you send very generalized emails? Something on the lines of – “ [Company’s Name], Here is your weekly newsletter” or “We have some great offers for you”.  

Most people will wonder okay, nothing very special about this. I’ll read it later. And trust me on this no one likes to be treated just like other people. You have to make them feel worth it and special.


Personalize Them

As much as you can, write emails in such a manner that it feels that you are talking to the person. It should look like it has been specifically written for them. Basically, show them that they are valued. Try incorporating the name of people. Your newsletter should seem interactive and flattering for your customers. Something like this-


Problem 2.  Mail, mail and more mails…

Are you one of those who send an offer mail in the morning, following a new launch in the afternoon and that followed by another offer mail? Do you send way too many emails. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening and one at night, every day!


“Never send emails like your daily dose of medicines.” – My Quote

Sit down and decide when, how and which email newsletter you want to send. Make a plan beforehand. Take into consideration your launches, festivals and offer emails. One mail in a week is more than enough. Make sure you do not send offer emails all the time. You don’t want people wondering that there is something wrong and fishy. Reduce!! Focus on quality than quantity. One email in a fortnight is good to go. Don’t change your emails into newspapers.


Problem 3.  Hits Send. Lands in Spam!

Your emails appear like spam. Why would someone want to open an email that looks very suspicious to them? 


Be precise

Oh! No one wants to read long, boring content. Be to the point, interesting and if possible add images for a better clarity. Visual content is always easier to understand. Use simple English, short sentences and avoid using confusing examples. Whenever citing an example use day to day things. The more relatable content you put in there, the better.

Use a nice, engaging, subject line

Your subject line decides whether your email is going to be opened or not. Try engaging subject lines that arouse the curiosity of your customers.Make the intention of sending the email very clear. Your main priority is to offer what you promised in the subject line. You can see this for reference.

Well there is this great place where you can analyze your subject line:- 



Problem 4.  3 AM friends replaced by 3 AM emails

You send the email at odd timings (Yes I have faced it). If you send emails on a Saturday evening, chances are they’ll be a pile of other bulk messages by the time I see my emails on Monday. Or if you send emails, way late into the night. Well, that surely will irk a few people and you may gain the reputation of spammer!


Send emails at the right time

Sending way too many emails and that too at wrong times can be very frustrating. To the extent that people might just unsubscribe from your emails. Send emails only when you have something great to offer. Maybe a new launch, or new products or some knowledge to share. Too many emails make you lose your credibility. And so do too many offer emails. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday have traditionally been favorite days to send email campaigns. Prefer day time because people are awake. Also, one should avoid Mad Mondays because many emails pile up over the weekend and Freaky Fridays because we all know how excited people get on weekends. So we’ll try not kill their buzz and email them when they would actually read.


Problem 5.  Why you  give no knowledge, only offers?

You have nothing to offer them apart from discounts.


Send Informative emails too

While sending emails, you should always focus on imparting some useful information to your clients. There should be times when you do not ask them to shop, you deliver an email with the intent of educating them. Tell them about trends, give them tips, make it worth their time and you’ll be sorted.


Heard of the principle- Give, Give, Give and Take?

So give them knowledge about trends, give them tips, tell them what is going around the world. This will be a refreshing change from the regular offer emails and launch emails. Also, you can redirect them to your blog if you have one. This way you’ll gain more subscribers


Problem 6.  I read the email. Now what?

People do not understand what to do after reading your email.


At times, people read the email and then they wonder what they should be doing. They have an offer in hand but when they visit your site, they just enter a maze.

Have a Proper Call To Action Tab

So let us assume people do open your emails but what happens when they are done reading it? There is no call to action bar that directs them to the place where they can avail the offer or discount or whatever facility you wrote the mail about. Have a very clear CTA.

“Click here and avail the discount”

“Shop Now”

“Grab this offer”

Tell people clearly what they have to do. Or else no point in drafting a great email. Tell them where to click

That’s all for now folks. I hope your email opening rate stealthily grows and helps your customers.

Have you used any other tip that worked for you? Let us know. Share your secrets