How to Fix Slow Google Sheets

Post date: Nov 05, 2018 5:4:8 PM

If your Google sheets are  taking forever to load or process data, then these 20 Optimisation strategies will be able to help you.

1. How to know if Sheets are Slow: Check for these behaviours:

2. Google Sheet Limitations: Know these limitations inherent in Google Sheets -

3. Check size of Google Sheets

4. Delete Unused Rows\Columns

5. Convert formulas to static values wherever possible

6. Use closed range references

7. Remove volatile functions or use with caution

8. Vlookup Optimization

9. IMPORTARANGE Optimization

10. Use IF statements to optimise formula calls

        = IF( A2>=1000,Filter("Sheet1!....),"NA")

11. Using a Control Switch to manage extensive formulas

12. Use Filter, Unique and Array_Constrain to create helper tables

=UNIQUE( FILTER( A1:E100000 , B1:B100000 = "India"))

        or using Array_Constrain to create a helper table from a static subset of your larger table:

=ARRAY_CONSTRAIN( A1:E100000 , 10 , 4 )

13. Avoid Calculation Chains

= $A$2

14. Use Conditional Formatting sparingly

15. Split & Combine your slow Google Sheets to speed them up

16. Archive Old Data

17. Use the power of Google Apps Scripts

18. Other Troubleshooting Tips 

Sometimes it might not be an issue with Google Sheets themselves, try these strategies to see if any resolve your issues:

19. Know when it’s time to move to a database

There will come a time, when Google Sheets won’t fulfill all of your data needs. There is the 2 million cell limit that may fill up pretty quickly with real-world data. Before you hit the  2 million limit you should think through the next steps beyond slow Google Sheets. You’re going to want to move your data into a database archive. You can still work in a Sheets environment but offload the data storage to a dedicated database.

Google Database Options

Within the Google ecosystem, we’re talking about BigQuery and Cloud SQL, both cloud databases. However, the integration isn’t simply drag-and-drop anymore, so you’ll need development skills to connect these services.

Google BigQuery is integrated with Google Drive, so you can use your Google Sheets as tables in BigQuery. You can also use the BigQuery Apps Script service to manage your BigQuery projects.

Connecting a Google Sheet to Cloud SQL directly requires Apps Script, although you could export data from Google Sheets (e.g. as CSV) and import that into Google Cloud SQL.

Detailed instructions on the same are out of scope of this article, however you can send your inquiry using this LINK to us for more details & support on this Topic. 


I hope that you will find a lot of value in the above article. Google Sheets are only a small part of the Tech Ecosystem  that can help you to convert technological threats into an opportunity, re-invent themselves & transform their industry.

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