Page Level permission on Google Sites

When you create a page, the page will use the permissions of your site by default. You can then change the page so that it has its own permissions. In addition, you can choose whether this page should be visible to new people you add to your site or whether they'll need specific permission from you.

This comes in handy for example in following cases:

When you change your page's permissions, you'll have three choices:

Regardless of your choice, if you remove someone from your site, they will no longer have access to a specific page unless it is a public page.

Let's say you are the owner of a website with a Home page at the top and two pages -- called Private Page and Public Page -- underneath it. You want to share this site with your coworkers and allow them to edit both the Home and Public Page. However, your interns aren't allowed to see the financial data you keep on Private Page, and only accountants are allowed to edit that data. Everyone else can only view the Private Page.

To set this up:

This will make your Private page editable by accountants, restricted for interns, and viewable by everyone else. In addition, everyone will be able to edit the rest of your site.

You can add individual Gmail users or add a Google Group email address to add the entire group of users for a particular area of your Google Site.

Setting up page-level permissions for public sites, or inviting a group to your site? Check out these common issues with page-level permissions.