04.Importing Data from Other Sheets

Many times you may need to reference data from one Google Sheet in another.

You can do this easily using the Importrange function.

Sample Usage

IMPORTRANGE("abcd123abcd123", "sheet1!A1:C10")



IMPORTRANGE(spreadsheet_key, range_string)


See Also

IMPORTXML: Imports data from any of various structured data types including XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, and RSS and ATOM XML feeds.

IMPORTHTML: Imports data from a table or list within an HTML page.

IMPORTFEED: Imports a RSS or ATOM feed.

IMPORTDATA: Imports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format.


Defines the monthly-expense spreadsheet data.

Imports the specified range data from the monthly-expense spreadsheet.