Chapter 9: The love of the Lord

Synopsis in prose form :

Lav and Kush see fledglings of birds. These fledglings’ eyes were yet to open. Yet, their mother fed them food with affection.

“ Do the fledglings even know how much their mother loves them?“, ask Lav and Kush. Sita takes this opportunity to introduce Lav and Kush to the concept of love of God.

Link 1:

One day Mother Sita saw

Worried faces of her sons who found

A fledgling fallen in front of them

From a tree to the ground ||1||

As soon as the fledgling fell down

Its mother came flying near

In its beak was a worm

It wanted to feed its infant dear ||2||

Lav brought water in his hands

He gave some of it to fledgling

The mother creating a fuss

Kept fluttering and chattering ||3||

Lav-Kush asked Sita wonderously

Seeing the mother bird in worry

How when fledgling's eyes are closed

It feels love of mother in flurry||4||

Hearing their question, Sita smiled

Sat next to them that time

Explained the concept of God’s Love

By singing them a simple rhyme ||5||

Song 1: Lord’s Love


The fledglings have their eyes closed,

Yet, feeds them the parent,

Until it grows in age and intellect

Mother’s love knows not the infant

So also, the fact that you are loved

By the Lord omnipresent unknown,

You may not understand awhile

Till in devotion n wisdom you've grown.

Song 2: Love for God

Lav and Kush:

Oh! Mother,

Can “Love” for God be of different forms?



Some may love Him like a consort,

Some like a brother,

Some may love Him like a kin,

Some like father-mother,

He is sure to steal your heart

Love has no fixed norms,

Oh devotee, love for God

Can indeed take various forms.

Song 3: Peace of Mind


My dear Sons listen

Gods love doesn't come only by words kind

God’s love comes ;when there is peace in mind.

Song 4: Unified Form


When the devotee remembers God,

The incarnation of the Lord blossoms in him.

Like milk and water when mixed,

Become inseparably unified.

So also, let no other form but that of Lord,

Remain in your body and mind.

Song 5: True Form of the Lord

Lav and Kush:

Today, I have come to know

The true form of my Lord,

Indeed! He is the darling

Of my heart.

The young river gushes forth noisily,

The winds in the heart blow uncontrolled,

But when they reach their Ocean of Love,

They become placid and emotionally unified.||1||

We will take your name sincerely

We will remember you every moment

When there will peace in mind

God will reside in our heart ||2||

Song 6: God's loving form

Sita :

The true form of God

Is the form of pure love

Like the full moon on ‘Guru Poornima

Pure, cool and bright ||1||

This life is like a jungle

Where there are shadows deep

This life is full of Joys and sorrow

Of various forms in heap||2||

When night overcomes this jungle

It brings darkness with it

Avarice, anger,arrogance and other

Wild animals roam in it. ||3||

These capricious elements

Try to swallow man

But in such trying time a true devotee

Surrenders to God’s plan ||4||

Filtered through the leafy canopy,

The moon-light spreads on forest floor

Like jewels it is scattered

On the path of darkness afore||5||

It is the duty of devotee

To revere these jewels he finds

To get direction from them

And leave the jungle behind||6||

For these jewels are indeed sent by Him

Know them as his own forms diverse

Seek support of these

And let your ignorance disperse||7||

Eventually step into pure ,

cool and bright moon-light

Realise the omnipresent God

And immerse yourself in Him complete ||8||

Song 7: Experience God

Lav-kush :

There was lighting in the sky

When I looked at it I perceived

Its image

In my brain ||1||

I sat with eyes closed

Hummed a tune to myself

I heard music sans instruments

In my heart ||2||

I went into deep sleep

And flew into the sky

Played with lightning

Without wings ||3||

In this way,

In waking, meditation, dream,

The sense of life I got

In varying amounts ||4||

Beyond all these states,

When the heart is as pure as "Ganga"

Then you experience God

In the "Anhad" time and space ||5||

"Ganga" refers to the holy river in India

"Anhad" refers to that which is beyond all physical

limitations of man

Song 8: Omnipresent God

Lav-Kush :

Eternal,Infinite , Limitless, Indestructible,

Immense,Detached,Unthinkable traits,

This is that "Shakti" *, the omnipresent God

Which you can experience

when your mind sublimates.

*"Shakti" refers to the Almighty God in this verse.

End of Chapter 9

Om Shanti ! Om Shanti ! Om Shanti !