Chapter 5: Childhood of Lav and Kush

Synopsis in prose form :

Lav and Kush reach the age of one year. This marks a joyous occasion in the hermitage. Sakhis of Sita come to wish her; Saints and sages of the forest come to bless the children. The entire forest is full of joy. Yet Sita is unhappy that the father of the children has not yet come to see them.

Link 1:

When Lav – Kush took their first morsel

Sita remembered her Lord

Make the children virtuous

Prayed She for her sons adored.

Song 1: Lav – Kush eat food for first time

As Lav – Kush

eat their first morsel of food today

I pray to you My Lord for this.

I await you every day

Please give the children

Strength immense

Do listen to a mother

May they perform good deeds

And be ever righteous ||1||

Your image is in their eyes

Only you

have to protect them

I have surrendered

myself fully to you my Lord

You only can give knowledge gems ||2||

Song 2 : Lord’s memory

It was that night in the Ashram *

Full of deep silence, everywhere

Sita was breast feeding Lav-Kush

With love and great care ||1||

Sita’s heart filled with affection

On her lips was Rama’s name

One lamp felt her loneliness

One more creature shared the same ||2||

That was the ‘Mother cow’

Seeing Sita sorrowful

Sweetly rang her cowbells

Making her feel hopeful ||3||

It is indeed admirable

Lord’s devotion she could feel

As the cowbells ring

Rama Rama they too peal ||4||

* Ashram means hermitage

Link 2 :

King Rama should not be blamed

His kingdom should always prosper

This was only Sita's wish

The lamps of love she'd nurture ||1||

Sorrowfull at her separation

Yet her heart was dutiful

When the sorrow was uncontrolled

She sang this song soulful ||2||

Song 3: When will you Come Oh Rama!

When will you come Oh Rama!

When will you come…

Everyday I wait for you

From dawn till dusk

When will you come Oh Rama!

When will you come… ||1||

I don’t even feel like eating

Your name is my only hope

When will you come Oh Rama!

When will you come… ||2||

I surrender myself fully

To do you work

When will you come Oh Rama!

When will you come… ||3||

Oh! Lord I will bear all sorrows happily

To propagate the “Raghu” *clan

But when will you come Oh Rama!

When will you come… ||4||

*Raghu refers to the family tree of Rama

Link 3 :

For Sita, time stood still

Though it was passing fast

While taking care of Lav – Kush

Didn’t know a year flew past ||1||

Lav and Kush one year reached

Ashram was with joy arrayed

Sita celebration wished

Sakhis for the children prayed ||2||

Song 4: First Birthday of Lav – Kush

Sita :

The decorated cart has come

Pulled by handsome bullocks

It’s birthday of my Lav – Kush ||1||

Gods and Goddesses have come

Saints and sages have come

It’s birthday of my Lav – Kush ||2||

Rishis have came

Brought sacred books of knowledge

It’s birthday of my Lav – Kush ||3||

Sakhis have come to give blessings

They brought fruits, flowers and plants

It’s birthday of my Lav – Kush ||4||

Birds and animals of forest have come

Peacocks have come, clouds have come

It’s birthday of my Lav – Kush ||5||

Why do tears fill my eyes kind

Uncontrolled wanders the mind

Worthy Rama's not arrived

Father's love twins are deprived

Is this a joyous birthday? (Sita cried !) ||6||

Song 5: Longing


The Lord has forgotten me,

He has not come to see me.

Oh clouds on the mountain top,

Please wait for just some time,

Listen to my song of longing,

And narrate my craving to Him. ||1||

Oh mighty lake, do listen,

Spread your waters so wide,

That I may float over them

To His hidden abode in Infinite. ||2||

Link 4

Princes worthy of living in palace

Their life in forest deep began

The worthy sons of King Rama

Who are the heirs of Raghu clan ||1||

Nurtured in the forest Ashram

They lived with their mother

Their face has the kingly glow

Also "Tapascharya"*power ||2||

*"Tapascharya" refers to penance and meditation

Song 6: Childhood of Lav - Kush


Twins became one and half year old

They seem to play forever

They walk in a todling manner

And dance their eyes all over ||1||

Making mysterious signs

They flail their arms in the air

They pound their feet on ground

Creating sound together ||2||

I carry Lav on my shoulder

Kush clinging to my side firmly

I run through the forest and dale

The brothers shout in glee ||3||

Song 7: The kin


Who, indeed, are the kin of Lav and Kush?

They are the trees, creepers and birds in the bush.

Who, indeed, are the friends who take them out to play?

They are the dogs, peacocks and calves, playful all day

When I hear their happy and playful laughter,

My heart is filled with joy

And blessings shower.

The hermitage accepted Sita

Engrossed with Sakhis friendly

In company of saints and sages

Lav – Kush grew up happily ||1||

Everyday Sita did worship

With wives of sages and seer

The hermitage was like her family

Festivals were celebrated together ||2||

Chaitra* month Nav-ratra* festival came

Sita installed the sacred urn

A beautiful “Kalash*” filled with water

A coconut on the top in turn ||3||

*Chaitra is the first month in Hindu Indian calendar

Nav ratra are the first nine nights of the Chaitra month when worship of Goddess is done

Kalash means a urn

Song 8: Chaitra Nav-ratra

Sita :

The water in the “Kalash” resembles the ocean

The “Kalash” resembles the sky

The mango leaves in it

They resemble life on earth nigh. ||1||

On top of it

The coconut is kept itself

It’s worshipped as truth

It resembles God himself||2||

Song 9: Worship of Chaitra Gauri

On occasion of "Chaitra Gauri" festival

Sita called her Sakhis dear

She applied "Haladi-Kumkum" to their foreheads

Gifted them coconut, fruits and pear ||1||

As Sita offered the gifts

Her eyes welled up with tears

Nostalgic memories of "Ayodhya"

Arose in her heart pure ||2||

Sita then said to her Sakhis

I was the queen of Ayodhya the great

When my friends came to the palace

I gifted gems in a plate ||3||

I wish to give you the same today

What can I place in your hands best

My heart is brimming with love for you

Hands are empty in the forest ||4||

I am giving you the forest wealth

Accept this with your heart fully

Sita then folded her hands

Prostrated to them thankfully ||5||

*Haladi means tumeric. Kumkum means vermilion. Haladi - Kumkum used in combination signifies the act of applying a pinch of Haladi and Kumkum on each others forehead by married ladies as a mark of love and affection.

Link 6:

On the auspicious occasion of “Chaitra Gauri

Sita applied Haladi- Kumkum to the Sakhis

She made offering to a betel nut

As if Mandodari* it itself is

* Mandodari was wife of demon king Ravana, of Lanka. Ravana had kidnapped Sita when Rama and Sita were in exile.. Rama had subsequently freed Sita from Ravana by killing him in battle , with the help of 'Vanars' which means monkeys and perhaps refers to forest dwellers .

Link 5:

Song 10: Offerings to Mandodari


Mandodari suffered an untold grief

A sacred heart she had indeed

But she was beset with misfortunate

Her husband "Ravana" paid her no heed ||1||

My worship today is an apology

For the grief because of me you suffered

Oh My! What is this whisper in my ear

Is it astral Mandodari who has appeared ||2||

Mandodari Said (in astrsal form)

My soul was indeed troubled

It was wandering in sorrow all over

The worship which you today performed

Has filled my soul with peace forever||3||

You also please forgive me

And accept my prayer

There was conflict in our families

Let us resolve it together ||4||

My heart has only this craving

There is this one wish in my mind

Let our cultures prosper

Let happiness be there in all mankind ! ||5||

Link 7:

Mandodari became invisible

Having uttered this testimony

Sita having heard her sincere words

Was filled with peace and harmony

Link 8:

Sita and all her Sakhis

Used to talk animatedly

Everybody was close to each other

And they shared thoughts freely ||1||

Sakhis respectfully accepted

Sita is full of knowledge clear

But still a question arose in their mind

How was she charmed by the deer? ||2||

Knowing the curiosity of the Sakhi

Sita's faced expressed regret

The deer was beautiful, frisky and charming

The entire forest he seemed to enchant ||3||

Song 11: The golden deer

Sita :

I called Lord Rama immediately

And pointed out to him the golden deer

See that marvellous creature

Who roams in the forest in his own splendour ||1||

When the rays of sun fall on him

His body shines like a rainbow colourfully

Oh Lord ! That deer fascinates me

It enchants my mind completely ||2||

For reasons I don’t know

I said to Rama in my folly

My heart has gone out of control

The deer can only make me jolly ||3||

Link 9:

When Sita applied Haladi-Kumkum

That touching moment she remembered

After the defeat of cunning Ravana

She was with Lord Rama reunited

She touched the feet of her Lord

She had only one wish on her mind

I should always remain near to His feet

I should never be separated from Him

End of Chapter 5

Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti!