Which are the wildest coolest most surprising high tech spy gadgets of them all

Lots of top high tech spy gadgets debuted in the movies. Often they needed to be used with a grain of salt, because current tech couldn't do exactly what the movies did. A lot of those gadgets, a lot more than 10, are actually obtainable in stores, online or brick and mortar. High tech products are used now every day.

We've all seen those amazing gadgets utilized in the films. 007 is Mr. Gadget himself, whatever his incarnation, but those amazing gadgets are trickling into daily life. Which are the wildest coolest most surprising high tech spy gadgets of them all? Have you notice some of them remain now?

I've been a gadget freak provided I can remember. These gadgets are dreams come true, and I enjoyed researching these real life high tech spy gadgets for this article.



swiss agents knife by The Slushey One on Flickr

10) Everyone has a pen. At least everyone the ones won't be on the spot in the supermarket ready to sign the credit slip. Hi-tech spy pens have many functions besides signing checks or taking notes.

Some spy pens not just take notes with ink, they record your conversation as well as video tape it as well. But that's just the tip from the high tech spy pen. Sign documents? Yes - in disappearing ink. Some can behave as document scanners, motion detectors, bug detectors, and radios. One well equipped pen - which certainly needs a pocket protector before I carry it around - can function like a grenade.

Ink pens by TMAB2003 on Flickr

Need to visit to register the dark? Take surreptitious notes without the light showing inside your accommodation? Here is a pen that has an unobtrusive flashlight included.


pen with built in flashlight by harry525 on Flickr Hi-tech sunglasses have had roles in the movies - and not just spy movies. In X-Men, Cyclops wears sunglasses to protect the planet from his eyes, and most people wear them to safeguard our eyes in the sun. In the movies, they have additional roles, and today those roles took on life in the world of gadget freaks.

There are sunglasses that act as video and audio recorders, some with micro SD slots for further memory. Some can act as binoculars, and others give a rear view. There are rumors of sunglasses giving X-Ray vision - but I think those might be obtrusively bulky - even if they might work.


cheap sunglasses by Rennett Stowe on Flickr A spy device by Uh Bob on Flickr Flashlights have been around for some time. For many of this time, they've been dependent on batteries.


flashlight by S Diddy on Flickr

Spies don't always have the area to carry replacement batteries - or rechargeables with cords. Windup lights are not extremely high tech, but they now come coupled with two-way radios.


Flashlights can offer ultra-violet light, laser pointers and laser sights. They are able to also be employed in emergencies as sirens, blinking lights and cellphone chargers.


It's a flashlight - no- it is a radio - no- it's a mobile phone charger Eton Radio by Thomas Rockstar on Flickr

New hi-tech spy gadgets emerge constantly, and lots of of them have extra tricks. On the next page we look at watches which tell time as a cover their other purposes, bug detectors and monitoring cameras.

7) Your watch will easily notice time and much more. Record audio and video on it, having a micro Sdcard for additional memory. A garotte (that I think you'll don't have any need), a phone along with a USB drive can all fit in the bulky wrist watch. You may also play your recordings on the screen which seems to be the face of your watch.


Watches go through fashions where they're pretty much bulky - and also the bulkier a watch is, the greater can be crammed within the case. While I did not see one in my research, I expect a bug detector will quickly be added to the functions present in an advanced spy watch.



glow at nighttime watch by SocialisBetter on Flickr

6) Unfortunately, bug detectors don't zap the bugs they find as easily as that gadget outside. However, bug detection, made by scanning radio waves, is not as simple for the person listening to notice either. While government intelligence agencies have very sophisticated versions of bug detectors, some bug detectors can be purchased online from security sites.

These bug detectors are only able to detect active bugs - bugs that send info on radio waves. Passive listening products are a lot more difficult to get.

I'd also like to indicate that useful bug detectors simply have a LED light switch on and have another passive reaction, instead of emitting our prime pitched noise which, while it might provide the listener a headache, also lets them know their bug continues to be compromised.

What's this by Bekathwia on Flickr Remote monitoring equipment has some extremely important uses. You can mount an internet cam or perhaps a camera on your computer or somewhere else - and watch your child everywhere you can access the Internet. Parents who can keep an eye on a sick child or see when their adventurous toddler has climbed from the crib find them essential. Monitoring dangerous experiments from outside a lab allows testing that could not otherwise occur. Nevertheless, you will find uses for these devises that place them squarely within the spy arsenal.

Remote cameras have been around for a while, but the size continues to be dropping. Do you want to monitor your nannie when you are not home? There is a whole business niche supplying nannie cams - with cameras hidden in boxes of tissues or even the clock on the wall. You don't need to hire that private agent, go online and order yourself the equipment you would like.

receiver collar camera by Elsie esq on Flickr

Pinpoint cameras are extremely small since they seem to be a fleck of glitter in the paint or plaster, and the wide angle lens can cover the whole room. My local locksmith has them in stock.


camera phone lenses by sara~ on Flickr

On the page of the top 10 hi-tech spy gadgets, we check out a high tech spy gadget that is an indispensable part of our life, the cell phone. We also check out keyloggers and a simple strategy that can outwit them.

4) A long time ago of Get Smart, Max were built with a shoe phone. Enterprising makers of novelty phones made and sold them, too, but they didn't have function apart from that of a normal phone.

We're now accustomed to amazing phones. Among the Bond movies actually used a brand name cell phone as one of its gadgets for that film. In the last decade from the 20th century hypervenom pas cher, satellite phones were at the front of technology for the X-files. They might have easily fit in a sizable shoe box, and reception was catch as catch can.

camera phone by emrank on Flickr

Cell phones, once esoteric high tech for spies, have been in every back pocket, and we bring them for granted. They are able to make phone calls around the globe, take digital photographs, texts, act as a GPS, record video and audio, access the Internet, send and receive email, so when you're tired of almost every other function - you are able to play games in it. They are able to act as MP3 players (giving you the scoop on where the motion detectors are located around the embassy), hold micro SD cards for just about any memory needs, and act as eBook readers, so you can get the updates for the CIA Factbook as soon as it is released.

While you can select one up in the local Radio Shack or perhaps a kiosk in the mall, exactly the same well equipped phone you use can be an actual spy's closest friend too. And each neighborhood private eye will have the most recent model.


mobile web africa - exactly what is a mobile phone by Marc Smith on Flickr

3) Keyloggers were once found in movies and spy novels, capturing passwords to set off doomsday devices or the location from the subversive's ammo dump. Now these can be purchased by companies who want to keep track of employee computer use, and spouses who want to spy on their other half. You will find both hardware and software keyloggers. Hardware keyloggers really are a device connected to the keyboard cable connector. Software keyloggers must work with specific operating systems.

Use of these is now so widely accepted that they are advertised to parents to track the sites their children access on the pc.


Keylogger ad by thelastminute on Flickr


According to a white paper authored by Cormac Herley and Dinei Flor??ncio of Microsoft Research, there's a low tech method to stymie keyloggers looking to get passwords, even in a public place like an Internet Caf??. Read the paper for any detailed explanation if you want to do this technique. They explain how to hide keystrokes for the password among other keypresses, so the password string cannot be selected.




keyboard by Bull3t on Flickr

On the last page want to know ,, we examine microchips - a high tech invention which had good and bad implications - and fingerprint readers. Remember those villains who were caught when they spent too long trying to open the heroine's suitcase? A biometric lock is excellent security.

And finally, there is a high tech spy gadget which has not provided a real appearance off the Television screen, although there are non-functioning models ... and I want one! Microchips used to come in espionage movies to trace the movements of the hero - embedded in the button on his tuxedo jacket or perhaps in the lipstick dropped inside the clutter in his girlfriend's purse. (A spy's girlfriends always have purses jam-packed with makeup)

While you still need specialized equipment to insert a microchip under skin, that devices are available at most Pet shelters. Studies are completed with microchipped animals, to study them in their habitat. There've also been cases of parents chipping their children, to allow them to be traced if they are kidnapped - or try to escape. I'm not sure that I'd appreciate being microchipped myself.


Californaia newt being microchipped by jkirkhart35 on Flickr

1) Remember all those secret labs that could only be accessed using the correct fingerprint? Those briefcases, safes and computers that only opened towards the press of one person's thumb? That clever little bit of technology can be found on laptops made by well-known computer manufacturers. They don't add all that much to the price, either.

fingerprint biometric lock magista pas cher by Flick on Flicker


It's another brilliant idea dreamed up by some spy movie writer whose time has come. The safety provided by fingerprint readers on laptops doesn't stop them from being stolen if you don't fasten them in place, however it will keep your data from being accessed by anyone with the incorrect fingerprint. Doors to secure facilities also employ this technology, and something FLICKR photographer found a fingerprint reader inside a grocery store.


supermarket fingerprint reader by gruntzooki on Flickr

You may have never heard the sound of the TARDIS landing yourself, but no doubt you've heard about the physician's sonic screwdriver. The previous few Doctors have had various incarnations of this versatile tool - and they're the Swiss Army knife of screw drivers. I covet one.

I was browsing line within the grocery store a few days ago, and found an opportune little tool that could have been influenced by Doctor Who. While it doesn't hum, and should not unlock doors with soundwaves, it has an LED light having a mount for just one of four screwdriver ends, and a level. Yes ... an amount. I had hoped the amount would glow green once the LED was lit, but it doesn't. However, the LED does shine on the screw you are trying to fasten in to the shelf or wall. Not so hi-tech. Not very spy-like, but beneficial in my life.