Slowly improve your workout intensity within the weeks

Safety measures for Cardio Kickboxing Workout by Andrew John

In recent years cardio kickboxing is becoming quite popular as a high intensity workout for quick weight loss, complete body workout and a self defense technique. I am a kickboxing enthusiast and practice it to help keep myself fit and lean. Based on my experience, I am listing the safety precautions which you should take if get involved with kickboxing workout and also to make it more efficient.

* After your exercise routine you need to feel more energetic and ready to go. If you feel really tired or week after the workout, this means that you are over stressing mercurial pas cher yourself.* Slowly improve your workout intensity within the weeks. Don't aim to be considered a master on day one.* Do not get dehydrated. Drink sufficient water at the beginning of the workout and sip water if required throughout the workout.* Relax and allow your body cool down for few minutes after workout.* Remember that starting to warm up before the workout and cooling down following the workouts are really important. Starting to warm up helps your body prepare for a high intensity workout and cooling down helps the body stabilize and relax after a high intensity workout.* Ensure that your floor is neat and there are no clothes, papers or other objects lying on the ground. You may accidentally step on them throughout the workout and can injure yourself.* Maintain proper balance, posture and proper foot position while kicking and punching.* In the event you experience joint problems and strains have an escape for couple of days. Whether it persists please see your physio-therapist or doctor.

* Perform some stretching exercise before and after a high intensity or high impact workout like kickboxing. Stretching exercise may prevent parts of your muscles from any king of injuries.* Warm your body before any intensive workout. This will help you to avoid strains and pains. You can warm-up by doing light aerobics, dancing, jogging or skipping.* Wear right sized clothes. Avoid either too tight or too lose fitting clothes. Such clothes can restrict free motion inside a kickboxing workout. As cardio kickboxing is really a high impact cardiovascular workout, it's expected that you will sweat. So wear clothes that will absorb sweat. Normally good cotton or sportswear would do well.* Wear good athletic shoes magista pas cher. Good footwear is really important because they will significantly lessen the impact on your knees and joints while kicking and jumping. Don't do kickboxing working bare foot especially on hard or concrete floors.* If you're a beginner, be cautious with your kicks and punches. You shouldn't be too aggressive at first as you may harm yourself.* Kicking too high or with great intensity may put unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles. Avoid it.* Just like any sport or workout, give yourself a couple of days (can be a week) before you begin pushing yourself. Enable your body change and discover the skills and motions of kickboxing workout.* In case you are afflicted by some sort of illness, back or joint pains, complications etc, please discuss with your doctor before engaging yourself in any high intensity workout.