The ancient Egyptians even allocated colors to every class

People happen to be wearing shoes for thousands of years. Archeologists have uncovered sandals that go as far back to 8000 BC. Early footwear was entirely utilitarian. Its only purpose was to protect feet from injury. Over time, however, more decorative shoes made their way to happens.

The first shoe to make a fashion statement was the sandal of ancient Egypt. Because few can afford them, the sandal became a luxury item, an indication of wealth and power. The ancient Egyptians even allocated colors to every class. For example, just the king and the court could wear gold, while dignitaries had to wear pastels. Members of the middle class were only permitted to slip on red or yellow sandals.

Because they had with lots of things, the Greeks learned about shoemaking from the Egyptians and took it to another level. Not only did they use many different colors, but Greek shoemakers introduced new styles that were designed for different occasions and activities. They were truly the world's first specialty shoes chaussure de foot mercurial. Footwear seemed to be designed for certain occupations. For example, a soldier wore a particular kind of shoe, while a priest or actor wore another type.

The 15th century was a defining period for women's footwear. Heretofore, most of the shoes women wore were exactly the same or similar to the ones men wore. Then your patten and the chopine were introduced. Both were platform shoes that will provide the wearer some height. The only problem was that they are bulky and uncomfortable. Shoemakers continued to utilize them and eventually came up with high heels and pumps.

Where are we now?

The footwear industry in America is enormous. Depending on that you ask, annual sales are between 25 and 50 billion dollars. The main reason everyone has a different number is because the industry is extremely fragmented. There are manufacturers that sell tennis shoes, dress shoes, designer shoes, casual shoes, kids shoes, etc. And all of them track the trends and statistics of their own particular market segment. Only one thing we all know for certain is who's doing the majority of the buying: women.

The average American woman owns 19 pairs of trainers, compared to just 9 for that average man. But even that statistic is misleading. You see, women don't wear shoes past their prime. They will not wear pairs with holes within their soles like the guys. They simply buy another pair. At some point, of course, space becomes a problem.

Footwear is one of the most difficult fashion accessory to find room for, specifically for girls. Because they tend to have much more of them, properly storing shoes scarpini calcio nike can be a problem. It is also worth noting that women's footwear is, on average, more expensive than men's pairs. Not only do they use pricier materials, but they're also more delicate and easier to break. As a result, many women simply store them in their original boxes and stack them around the floors of the closets.

As you might imagine, nineteen stacked shoeboxes can take up a great deal of room. And unless the closet is enormous, the whole floor may be spoken for. One simple space-saving option would be to buy a few inexpensive shoe organizers.