Social media has been a fantastic way to create buzz

On Monday, To Boot hypervenom pas cher started an Instagram contest where one lucky winner will walk away with an entire shoe wardrobe. The company is giving away 7 pairs of shoes at a value of nearly $3,000. Along with Boot intends to award several runner up prizes as well.

The competition, #ToBootWorld, encourages fans to take an image of the As well New York shoes having a local landmark or famous location. The inspiration behind this idea originates from loyal To Boot christian louboutin soldes wearers who've been photographing their shoes in well-known places such as the Santa Monica pier, the Eiffel Tower or even the Empire State Building.

Instagram is the ideal medium to produce this contest. Social media has been a fantastic way to create buzz around a brandname or product. Based on L2, a company intelligence firm that benchmarks digital performance of brands, 98% of all fashion brands possess a presence on Instagram. Interestingly, companies are not able to inflict hard sell advertising since the medium does not support hyperlinks but companies enjoy the benefits of the visual images. In To Boots case, many are showcased with the eyes of the wearers who've a genuine passion for the shoes chaussure de foot mercurial.

Adam Derrick is the shoe designer behind the brand. The men's shoe designer continues to be designing shoes for To Boot for more than 25 years. His shoe line combines the New York City pragmatism with Italian made quality. Offering a full line of styles, To Boot has everything to take the stylish gentlemen throughout every aspect of his life from try to play. Readily available, the shoes are available at venerable department stores such as Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom's in addition to online directly with the To Boot website.