Consider sand at the beach or even going to the track

The overall rule is that if you are not having any issues with injuries or performance in your current running shoes hypervenom pas cher, don't change anything. If, however, the feet fall somewhere in between a high along with a low arch and you've got bought every expensive shoe and insert on the market, but continue to get injured, you might consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you would like to try, make sure to gradually work into it. Puncture wounds, scraps, cuts and bruises are likely if you don't choose your surface wisely. Begin grass or a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach or even going to the track. Start gradually and slowly.


There are probably a few individuals who could enhance their performance and reduce their rate of injury by running barefoot. But, before you toss your shoes in the garbage can and go out for any run with naked feet, consider a better fitting shoe. Barefoot running is not suitable for people with a higher arch, a very low arch, people who overpronate or individuals with diabetes. If you do decide to give barefoot running a try, choose the running surface carefully and be conscious of puncture wounds.

A Word About Shoes

An ill-fitting shoe can be the cause of many lower extremity injuries. Footwear can put your foot in the wrong angle to your knee and hip, leading to potential injury. Footwear crampon mercurial that's too tight can cause blisters at the toes and toenail problems. Footwear that's too loose can lead to tendonitis or cause blistering at the heel. A shoe that is too flexible may contribute to the development of this problem (heel and arch pain). A good shoe does not need to be costly. When searching for a running shoe, ensure the midsole is supportive. Test this by grabbing the toe area and the heel area and try to bend the shoe in half. Whether it folds in the center of the shoe, it's too flexible and will not support the foot. Make certain there's enough room at the toe box. Check the heel counter and ensure the heel counter is stiff enough to carry the heel in place to avoid blisters. Above all, make sure that the shoe feels safe. Wear them around the house, on the carpet, prior to going out for any run.