Black Empowerment may be the order

A meaning of racism may be the thought that all people in each race possess characteristics, abilities or qualities specific to that race, especially in order to distinguish it as being superior or inferior to a different race or races.

 Perhaps a more simple version will be the hatred or intolerance of other races or race?

 Probably no greater illustration magista obra of intolerance of 1 race to another was the apartheid regime in South Africa then one the World and of course the recipients from the policy fought hard against.

 Once removed I do not think any but the most die hard extremists could possible find any benefit or long term good in an exclusion policy such as that one in position for decades. Today in South Africa the employment of whites in almost any Government backed or controlled enterprises is actively discouraged otherwise yet quite forbidden. Black Empowerment may be the order during the day no matter competence it would seem if the dismal disrepair of state owned businesses such as the way to obtain electricity is almost anything to judge by. So what happened? And only then do we have the bastion of democracy, and if recent events are to be believed has rid itself of racism or at least in Government circles. America. So if that is the situation why does America possess the following without any reciprocal white only entities?

 A United Negro College Fund NAACP B.E.T. Black entertainment TV A Black Chamber of Commerce A Miss Black American Pageant Over 60 proclaimed Blacks only colleges

 The list goes on and there is nothing wrong with celebrating cultural differences if it wasn't for the fact that it would be proclaimed racist if any similar institutions were formed or celebrated for whites only.. So who or what's perpetuation racism?

 More and more it seems that racism is being used as an excuse for every assumed slight or insult and a backlash for acts committed many years ago which in fact had absolutely nothing to use anybody presently occupying the planet.

 It is ludicrous to inquire about a present Government to atone and apologise for some failing a former long dead Government committed long before these were even born. How meaningful is that going to be? Maybe it's time to take a look at sports for enlightenment?

 Playing sports in any civilised country isn't based on racial lines but according to skill and skill, if a white man can't jump its not racist its just that he's useless at it, don't pick him!

 Do the same in most life situation, base your decision on competence and skill it doesn't matter what he or she may seem chaussure de foot magista like!

 To digress just a little to prove the point and reinforcing the sporting analogy, Zimbabwe recently introduced Black Empowerment in Cricket as did South Africa a while before that. Nigeria didn't insist upon a zero white policy but tempered the ruling with a few kind of an art criteria. Zimbabwe didn't and hasn't.

 If someone follows cricket the demise of the once much better than average cricket team continues to be sad to watch. Racism is ridiculous and everyone must do as the Chinese do, neglected.

 If it can't be ignore it needs to stop being perpetuated by Governing bodies, as well as in order to do this we need vote the right people into positions of trust and Governance and in to do that you have to understand who you are voting for and why, and in to realize that you need a level of education. The much maligned Ian Smith of Rhodesian UDI fame tried to do just that, no-one, black or white was allowed to vote unless he had achieved a particular degree of education.

 To put it simply he was trying to produce a middle class who were capable of understanding that they should prefer competence and never for the man most abundant in guns.

 If you think about this, why is the current Royal family the present Royal family?

 Return far enough with the various forks and turns and you will then find the first among the lineage were built with a bigger stick compared to other fellow copa mundial who had been the ruling boss and took the crown from him, then the great unwashed, uneducated masses proclaimed him the boss.

 Virtually how it still happens in many countries around the World meaning educated competent leadership continues to be quite a distance coming for many. Still doesn't explain why racism continues to be rife in democratic America.. or will it?