the U.S. athletic footwear sales for the four pairs of per capita

Many domestic footwear companies have flocked to the market, and interventions are to do their own brand. For a time, many state-owned athletic footwear brands are from the original processing of the foreign investors to do the traditional OEM, turned to produce its own brand. According to SATRA (UK shoe technology testing organization) investigation, the U.S. athletic footwear sales for the four pairs of per capita, while only 0.8 pairs in China, so China is considered second only to America's most promising consumer market of sports shoes 2008 Beijing Olympic Games successful bid to host the industry again played a great stimulus. International Olympic Committee, Wei Jizhong project there had been more a description of the digital, though the sports industry in China started late, small, but fast growth, the sports industry in 2010 reached 28.12 billion yuan output value of at least account for GDP, expected to grow from 0.2% in 1998 to 0.3%, while the developed countries, the ratio of 1% to 3%. Is forced out of the brand to do? Easy to see that done in a number of brand sports shoes manufacturers mostly Fujian Quanzhou, Jinjiang, the main area, which is related to their traditional processing industry.

The mid-20th century, 80, Fujian footwear pattern of mainly small family workshop to make shoes in Hong Kong and other merchants processing, and as competition intensifies, more and more sought-after order processing enterprises more and more intense competition However, there are still many processing enterprises in the competition come out on top, with regular customers. Therefore, the original capital of these enterprises are rapidly accumulated. Henan reporter who took part in a sports goods manufacturer in Taiwan Business Alliance Conference, only input in production, the company reached a billion.on.

It was with such financial strength, on the one hand, these companies recognize that processing only do shoes always led by the nose by others, while a large number of finished products were turned a profit after overseas markets it is considerable. Moreover, the order will always be in competition with others at any time the risk of being snatched away.

On the other hand, they see that the domestic athletic footwear market, Nike, Adidas and other international brands have entered the years, they are familiar with the operation of the market and consumer psychology, has a considerable market appeal, occupying most has the potential to be the most profitable consumers. However, in the low-end domestic sports shoes brand is still a blank, and the potential of this market is still very much favored.

According to industry analysis, now make their own sports shoes brand though they are private enterprises, to separate out these enterprises to compete with international brands and the balance of power is self-evident. However, these private brands in the second and third line cities still have a large living space. Where is the gap? Although the optimistic outlook, but even so the low-end brand, to raise consumer recognition is not an easy thing.

In fact, private sports shoe brand into the advertising is for all to see, only Jinjiang have nearly 20 different sports shoe brand in the CCTV channel light off phase, ad-density no less than drugs and alcohol advertising, and unanimously adopted the celebrity ad campaigns and act as spokesmen for the image of the form, Kong Linghui, Wang Nan, Cai Zhenhua, Wu and other sports stars into film and television moment of choice, out loud different brand name sports shoes, to attract the audience's attention. Star market appeal should not be overlooked, but star strategy and corporate brand positioning should be, consumer groups and other coordination form is not a panacea for 100 test accurate. Such as Nike brand promotion, to take the emphasis pyramid promotional strategies, invited the famous image of athletes as spokesmen, from the tip of the top athletes to the national team, to the NBA level of the provincial team, packing up to the general juvenile basketball activities, to include the entire sporting goods market, consisting of four elements of the hierarchy. Although the small number of top athletes, but has a strong radiation force, such a strategy and positioning in the high-end fashion brands, the uplift of the grade of their products, in fact, people agree to such positioning. I remember a time when newly hatched domestic now, people have Nike as a symbol of status and taste, only worn for special occasions only.

In addition, the brand sports shoes from these ads will be found a general lack of brand personality, temperament convergence, the consumer is difficult to see the different brands of products and functional differences between similar features. Difference does not have a high degree of brand core values, only one-sided hopes opening its doors to drive sales is to give the end-user brand loyalty, the hands of fate to downstream distributors, is the general brand exhausting price war Channel War roots. Celebrity endorsement of the non-rational, often because most of the brand's personality are based on product characteristics and target consumers to use based on.

Lenovo brand and product and service integration of many of the specific features of the core values remain at the meet the demands of basic physiological needs of the people. Reflect the corporate values, philosophy and mission of the association little more abstract, which leads to low brand value, brand and other adverse consequences of the short life cycle.

The largest private one of sports shoes magista pas cher - - Fujian Footwear Company Ltd. Mr. Lin Shigang Philharmonic has a clear understanding of this: a modern market competition, competition in the development of products from simple to marketing, brand image and its cultural connotations of scale competition. Management of private enterprises, such as capital accumulation and products are ready, but in brand building and brand management have "class" to make up.

In fact, the transition from the traditional processing enterprises to the shoe manufacturers make brand is the only route, but more importantly, I am afraid that is the product for positioning in the mid-range of products, new product development and design is especially important. Philharmonic in this "star shoes" evolved wave of professional sports and leisure series are two types of mature products, is to give people wear fitness and sport shoes, in product design, more emphasis on functionality, such as new autumn and winter series with leather lining, high-elastic seismic shoes magista obra for vigorous exercise, and Nike's high-end positioning is different. Philharmonic that the brand is not only the quality assurance and marketing tools, more important is the relationship between emotional and functional, a responsibility, in fact the communication between manufacturers and consumers and consensus. "Star shoes" approach, in a way consumers and brands widening the psychological distance between people involuntarily to his column?.

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