There really needed to be more here to grab the reader

Sadly, this story didn't do anything whatsoever for me personally. The prose is fine and the characters magista pas cher, by and large, are OK, but there wasn't something that really separated itself in my experience.

The plot follows a music producer who sees a pair of sneakers within an adjacent stall in the men's room. Days pass, and the sneakers don't move.

It isn't really the stuff nightmares are made of. The moving finger begins harmless, but was still in a position to elicit fear by being so bizarre and unnatural. Here, we just have shoes that wallow in it while bugs stack up. Maybe have the protagonist tennis ball so the shoes in the garbage only to have them reappear, and have them come in adjacent stalls it doesn't matter what bathroom he's in. There really needed to be more here to grab the reader.

I found it weird how he immediately jumps towards the conclusion that a dead body is involved. All he sees are shoes, if there were a corpse, wouldn't he have the ability to see ankles mercurial pas cher or shins?

Apparently , he's half right and it is more of a spirit than the usual corpse. This does explain the visibility issue to some degree, even though you could say that since he could see the apparition that those should have been visible.

You don't really learn about that lots of haunted bathrooms and the story does lampshade the unusual setting. I kind of wish more had been completed with that as it seems like a more unique plot hook.

I would not go so far as to state that the story is bad. It just didn't bring anything to the table. I'd mark it among the weaker entries in the collection, but that may you need to be me.