Taupo District


Local Government Elections 2019-10-12

see the Taupo District Council's page here.

Taupo District Council

( Most recently updated 20171018 )

Think Taupo thinktaupo@gmail.com ( April 2019 )

Taupo Residents Group


Omori Kurutau Ratepayers Association

Turangi Tongariro Residents & Ratepayers Group

and on Facebook

email: turangi3334@gmail.com

Acacia Bay Residents Association

Kinloch Community Association Inc.


Motuoapa Residents Association Incorporated

Facebook ( members only) Motuoapa Residents

Public page Motuoapa Community

residents.assn.motuoapa@gmail.com ( 19 th of April 2018 )

If you know of any Ratepayers and Residents' Associations that aren't listed here, please send their contact details to us here at : ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com