20181111 Video from Conference

A new national body of New Zealand ratepayer organisations 'Ratepayers NZ' was officially created on 11th Nov 2018 at a Conference held in Nelson.

Graeme O'brien ( Nelson Residents' Association ) interviewed some key speakers for Inde News to discuss the weekend's Conference aims and goals for the new Ratepayers National body .

Some of the talks given by other guest speakers were also videoed.

Graeme spoke with Portia & Ebborn Law chief executive Jarrod Coburn ( 3 minutes 3 seconds )

Jarrod also gave an hour long presentation on the purpose and structure of residents groups in New Zealand.

Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents' Association Inc Chairman Bruce Rogan ( 1 hour 11 minutes ) For more background on the Mangawhai VS Kaipara District Council debacle go to : www.kaiparaconcerns.co.nz

Dr Catherine Strong, Lecturer at Massey University.was one of the key speakers at the weekend event and her presentation was on the effect of council codes of conduct on freedom of speech. ( 2 minutes 6 seconds )

New Zealand Taxpayers' Union executive director Jordan Williams. ( 1 minute 17 seconds )