FoRANZ launched

20201002 Press Release : Federation of Ratepayers Association of NZ Inc launched : Questions for Political Parties

Press Release: FoRA NZ, 2nd October 2020

The second AGM of the NZ Federation of Ratepayers Association has elected fresh leadership and has formally launched a national campaign seeking responses from political parties with respect to their intentions for local government. FoRA NZ will disseminate these election campaign responses broadly via Ratepayer and Residents Associations throughout New Zealand. (Refer to attached questions).

The new Executive Committee comprises:

Chair: Jane Johnston (Northland), 021 973 392

Vice Chair: Reynold Macpherson (Bay of Plenty) 07 346 8553, 021 725 708

Secretary: Alan Preston (Northland), 09 431 5389, 021 023 77242

Treasurer: John Riddell (Auckland)

The Association aims to establish a nation-wide network of ratepayer associations; prepare and provide civics education; undertake research and disseminate information about the work and performance of councils and council-controlled organisations; provide advisory services to ratepayer associations; communicate on behalf of ratepayer associations in national matters; and share resources and efforts to investigate matters of public interest with regards the functions, powers and performance of local authorities.

National, regional and local organisations concerned with local government are invited to register their interest, and those representing ratepayers are invited to affiliate with FoRA.

With the current election focus on the formation of central Government, little attention is being paid to possible reformation of local government and potentially significant changes to the future governance, management and ownership of local infrastructure paid for by Ratepayers. FoRA NZ is asking each of the political parties what they intend with regards to the local government sector during the next 3 year term of Government.