Kaipara District

Most recently updated : 20221105

Local Government Elections to be held on 2022-10-08
For information and candidates' profiles, click here.


Mangawhai Matters mangawhai.matters@gmail.com

Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc ( wound up in January 2021 )

Contact: Bruce Rogan ( Chairperson ) Tel 09 4315413 E-mail : mangawhairatepayers@gmail.com URL:http://mrrainc.weebly.com/ http://www.facebook.com/mangawhai.ratepayers

Mangawhai Ratepayers VS Kaipara District Council

Te Kopuru Ratepayers Association

Kaipara Citizens' and Ratepayers' Association Dargaville kcrassn@gmail.com ( inactive since 2015 ) Contact Graham Jones @ gee.jay@xtra.co.nz

Kaipara Greypower Association

Dargaville Business Forum – Peter Boyd (chairman), dargavilleforum@gmail.com

Kaiwaka Can
021 889 370 pukepunga@xtra.co.nz

Maungaturoto Residents Association

Progressive Paparoa

Tinopai Residents and Ratepayers Improvement Society
Tinopai Resource Management Unit.

Baylys Beach Society

Glinks Gully Campground Committee

Ruawai Promotions

Kelly's Bay Improvement Society

See also : Kaipara Resources

If you know of any Ratepayers and Residents' Associations that aren't listed here , please send their contact details to us here at : ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com