Green Party

9th of October 2020

On behalf of the Green Party please see our responses to your questions below:

  1. Do you have a policy on local government?

1a – If yes, can you please provide a copy?

Yes we do:

  1. What do you think the 3 biggest challenges are in relation to local government?

Three big challenges facing local government:

    1. Strengthening Te Tiriti relationship between local government and tangata whenua

    2. Planning for sustainable development that provides affordable housing, mitigates effects of climate change, and protects natural environment

    3. The funding and financing of local government

  1. What ideas do you have to address what has been described as an infrastructure deficit across local authority jurisdictions?

The Green Party is committed to ensuring that money spent as part of a COVID-19 economic stimulus will help us build back better – by investing in infrastructure to improve wellbeing and environmental outcomes. We support the funding already announced for three waters infrastructure, and recognise further funding will be required to create safe and resilient water infrastructure nationwide. Our Future of Transport plan includes funding for local government-led, low emissions transport initiatives. The Green Party is the only party with a revenue plan that will enable significant new investment while also meeting operational pressures.

  1. Are you considering alternative funding streams to provide upgrades or new infrastructure for growing communities?

Yes, it is clear that local government does not have sufficient funding or ability to raise revenue to meet the scale of infrastructure and other services it has responsibility for. The Green Party voted for the Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act 2020, which will enable use of targeted rates to fund infrastructure servicing a new development. The Green Party also pushed for the international conservation and tourism levy that, when international tourism is eventually started again, will provide a revenue stream to fund local infrastructure.

The Green Party would like to investigate whether we can devolve more tax revenue to local government so that they are able to build and maintain infrastructure. We are open to further work on land value uplift capture to support delivery of infrastructure, particularly transport infrastructure that increases the value of nearby commercial land.

  1. Are you prepared to increase spending on civics education?


  1. Will you commit to continue funding the [Radio NZ] local democracy reporters?


  1. Do you intend to reform the local government sector during this next term? If yes, how?

Yes but any reforms will be consulted with the sector. One area for reform would be local government elections. The Green Party would make local elections fairer and more accessible by: expanding the Election Access Fund to disabled people who are running in local elections; providing more accessible voting options than postal voting; moving administration of local elections from private companies to the Electoral Commission; and removing barriers to the establishment of Māori electoral wards.

The Green Party would also ensure that resource management reforms next term provide for capacity support for local government to implement any planning changes arising from the reforms.

  1. If no, can you commit to consultation with Ratepayer Associations on any proposals for reform.

See answer above

  1. In order to ensure impartiality and interest in local elections would you require the Electoral Office to run Local Government elections rather than the Councils themselves

Yes we consider the Electoral Commission should run local elections.

Ngā mihi nui

Ralph Hall (he/him), Senior Research and Policy Advisor

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Level 7 Bowen House, 70/84 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011

(04) 817 6729 |

I whakamanahia e Hon James Shaw & Marama Davidson, Whare Pāremata, Te Whanganui-ā-Tara 6011