20190323 Inaugural Meeting Minutes



The Inaugural Meeting of the Federation of Ratepayer Associations of New Zealand

Date : Saturday the 23rd of March 2019

Time : 1-3.15 p.m

Location: Massey Birdwood Hall, 2 Redhills Road, Massey, West Auckland

Chairperson : John Riddell

Secretary : To Be Voted In

In Attendance : Steering committee members :

John Riddell Massey Birdwood Settlers Association Inc

Mark Kilgour - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc

Alan Preston - Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc

Graham Jones - Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc

Jane Johnston ( via Skype ) - Paihia District Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc. / Kerikeri Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc

and also :

Ershad Ali ( Justice of the Peace ) - Massey Birdwood Settlers Association Inc.

Alec Cox-Kerikeri Ratepayers Association Inc.

David Hopkins - Wattle Downs Residents Association Inc.

Steve Bird - Karaka Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Mischele Rhodes - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc. ( Chairperson )

Tom MacRae - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Tony Dixon - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Linda Tenamu Smith - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Owen (Oto)Simmonds - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Carolyn McKenzie - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

John Telfer - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

George Belling - Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Christian Simon - Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.

Max Belcher - Portland Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Shirley Belcher - Portland Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Also via Skype

Jacques Windell - Taumaranui Ratepayers Association Inc.

Gayleen Mackereth - Howick Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.

Apologies : Bruce and Heather Rogan ( Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association)

Garrick Wright-McNaughton, Auckland Ratepayers Alliance.

Christina Humphreys, Western Ward Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.

Ray Mudford , Rowena Kaleopa, David Saric, Rita Saric, Russelle Knaap, Dawood Latif ( Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers' Association Inc)

Gayleen Mackereth ( Howick Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc ) ( Gayleen later listened in on skype )

Laurie Slee ( Cockle Bay Ratepayers and Residents' Association )

Jean McCann ( Tairua Ratepayers ) Flight cancelled as Auckland Airport was closed due to fog )

Maiki Rogers - Paihia

Meeting commenced at 1p.m.

1. Welcome

Mark Kilgour welcomed people to the meeting on behalf of the Steering Group and advised the people present of the process that was taken to reach this stage and that John Riddell would be the Chair of the present meeting. John Riddell on behalf of the Massey Birdwood Settlers Association, welcomed everyone present and went though 'housekeeping' and Health and Safety

2. The Constitution

John Riddell proposed a motion that we adopt The Constitution which was seconded by Jane Johnston.

Alec Cox proposed amendments as below:

That on Page 1 'Provide a communications role on behalf of ratepayers associations in national matters of relevance to ratepayers' be amended to 'Provide a communications role on behalf of ratepayers associations on national matters of relevance to ratepayers"

That on Page 2 'Membership' paragraph B be 'Such persons shall have access to the services provided'

The amendment was seconded by Mark Kilgour and carried unanimously.

The substantive motion then became That we adopt The Constitution, as amended, which was put to the meeting and carried unanimously by all present.

3. Incorporation

George Belling proposed the motion that we incorporate the Federation of Ratepayer Associations of New Zealand which was seconded by Steve Bird and carried unanimously.

4. Nominations

The nomination of interim officers, pending incorporation .

Moved J Riddell seconded by Alan Preston that all positions would be interim until the constitution is confirmed by the incorporated societies when a general meeting would be held to confirm positions and cover other matters resulting from incorporation.- carried

Jane Johnston spoke on the requirement to have at least 4 officers.

Nominations for the Chair(person )

John Riddell : Nominated by Tom MacRae, seconded by Mark Kilgour

Jane Johnston : Nominated by herself ,seconded by Alan Preston.

A three minute period was provided for each to give their credentials and time was given for questions from the floor.

John Riddell is a Health and Safety Consultant, a former Chair of the local Community Organisation Grant Scheme (Cogs), Secretary Massey Birdwood Settlers Association (resident and ratepayer association in Massey), former President of the Rotary Club of Waitakere, and has local Government experience being a former Chair of the Massey Community Board and current Trustee of the Waitakere Licencing Trust

Jane Johnston is on the Executive Committee of the Kerikeri Residents and Ratepayers Association and the Paihia District Residents and Ratepayers Association.

A vote was cast by Mark Kilgour with a show of hands after John Riddell had left the room and Jane's skype call had been temporarily disconnected.

The result was in favour of John Riddell - Approved.

Nomination for the position of Secretary : Alan Preston - Nominated by John Riddell - seconded by John Telfer ( Hamilton Ratepayers ) . Approved

Nomination for the position of Treasurer : Alec Cox - Nominated by Jane Johnston - seconded by Mischele Rhodes ( Hamilton Ratepayers ) Approved

Nominations for Committee Members : John Riddell moved that existing steering committee members remain on the committee - seconded by Carolyn McKenzie ( Hamilton )

Existing steering committee members being :

Jane Johnston

Graham Jones

Mark Kilgour

with the addition of

George Belling - Nominated by Mark Kilgour - seconded by Carolyn McKenzie

Jacques Windell - Nominiated by Mischele Rhodes - seconded by Tom MacRae

Ray Mudford - Nominated by Mischele Rhodes - seconded by Tom MacRae

All approved.

5. Incorporation Fees

Steve Bird proposed a motion that 'someone provides the $102.22 needed to pay for the Incorporation of the society' which was seconded by Mark Kilgour. The meeting decided to take up a collection from those present . $140.00 was raised.

6. Membership

Affiliated : Mark Kilgour proposed a motion that a fee of $1.00 for affiliate members be charged - seconded by Steve Bird.

Signing up of 15 members : Everyone paid up $1 each.

$155 was raised ( including the $15 for Affiliate memberships ) $103 being given to J Riddell to pay for the registration, the balance handed to the interim Treasurer Alec Cox.

7. Seal

Use of the Common Seal ( Withdrawn as it is already dealt with in the Constitution )

Other Matters

8. A 2 minute silence was held in commemoration for the people who have been affected by the massacre of 50 muslim worshippers at the mosque in Christchurch last Friday the 15th of March 2019.

The meeting closed at 15.15

Federation of Ratepayer Associations of New Zealand

Contact : Alan Preston ( Secretary )

4 Insley Street, Mangawhai, Kaipara 0505.

Tel 094315389 or 02102377242


web: www.ratepayersandresidents.org.nz