
Adopted 23rd March 2019



The Informal or Operative name is NZ Ratepayers Association


The objectives of the Association are to:-

• Establish, facilitate and enable a nation-wide network of ratepayer and resident


• Support ratepayers and residents associations of New Zealand;

• Prepare and disseminate civics education, and information about the work of local

authorities and of Government as it affects ratepayers (for example, in delegating or

devolving powers and functions to local authorities);

• Undertake research and otherwise prepare information and advice for ratepayers

associations about practices in the work of local authorities;

• Provide an advisory service to ratepayers associations;

• Distribute information about the work and performance of local authorities;

• Provide a one-stop-shop or repository of information and advice for ratepayers


• Provide a communications role on behalf of ratepayers associations in national matters of

relevance to ratepayers;

• Be the national organisation able to pool and share resources and efforts to investigate

matters of public interest with regards the functions, powers and work of local authorities

(i.e. councils, in their various types).

Registered Office: Must be inserted. Any subsequent change must be advised to the registrar.

Financial year:

The financial year will run from 1 April to 31 March, but may be shortened for the inaugural year.


(a) All duly constituted associations of ratepayers and/or residents are eligible to apply for


Applicants must supply a copy of a formal resolution to join the Federation; the resolution must

contain agreement to endorse the aims and objectives of Ratepayers NZ.

Applications will be submitted to the Committee and the result will be advised to applicants

following Committee consideration.

Upon acceptance an initial membership fee will be charged; A per capita fee (i.e. based on

membership of the affiliate association) will be set at each AGM.


Adopted 23rd March 2019

Member associations will be required to compile and maintain a register of their members

comprising: names, physical addresses, contact details. The relevant association will need a

generic email address for communication with the Committee.

(b) Individuals can join the Association as affiliates only when there is no local ratepayers &

residents group, if they agree to support the objectives of Ratepayers NZ. Such people

will have access to the services provided by Ratepayers NZ except the right to vote and to

be on the Committee of the Federation.

(c) The Committee shall have the right to terminate an individual (or affiliate) membership if

it is considered that their actions are contrary to objectives of Ratepayers NZ. In the event

of a complaint the Committee may conduct a hearing to help determine the outcome.

There will be no right of appeal.

(d) Member associations and affiliates have the right to resign at any time by giving notice to

the Secretary. Such resignations will be accepted subject to payment of any outstanding

fees to the Association.


The following officers will be elected at each Annual General Meeting:


Vice Chairperson




Together with the officers the inaugural and subsequent AGMs will elect seven (7) ordinary

members of affiliated groups to comprise the Ratepayers NZ Committee. The term of all

Committee members will be one year, but each may stand for re-election.


(a) The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting within three (3) months of the end of

the financial year.

(b) Six (6) weeks notice shall be given to all members and an agenda will be provided at least

one month before the AGM.

(c) A Special General Meeting may be called upon the requisition of at least 10% of member

associations in writing to the Secretary.

(d) Six (6) weeks notice shall be given to all members together with an outline of matters to be

discussed. No other matters shall be dealt with at such meeting. The Committee shall have

the option of conducting a SGM by video conferencing, to avoid the need for unexpected


(e) A quorum for the Committee will be half of its members plus one which must include at least

two (2) officers.

(f) All meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson or in their absence by the Vice-Chairperson.


Adopted 23rd March 2019

(g) Video conferencing is a legitimate means of participating in a Committee meeting. The

member is considered present and is countered as part of the quorum.


Election of Officers shall be by a simple majority chosen by voice, by show of hands or by ballot

at the discretion of the Chairperson. Only financial affiliated members may vote. Nominations for

office must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the AGM and must be

signed by the nominator and the nominee.

Nominations for Committee may be accepted beforehand or from the floor and will be elected

by simple majority as above.

Proxy voting will be allowed subject to completion of appropriate forms, which will be provided

on request.

Powers of Committee:

The Committee shall have all powers necessary for the administration of the Association in

furtherance of its objects including, but not limited to, those referred to in this constitution.

The Committee may co-opt additional persons with specialist knowledge or skills to carry out

such duties as the Committee may detail, for a specified time.

Borrowing Powers:

The Committee will not have power to raise monies by borrowing, but may enter into

operational finance arrangements where necessary to conduct business.


The Committee may consider investing funds that are not needed for current operations, but all

such decisions must be subject to prior consultation with members.

Responsibilities of Officers:

(a) Chairperson – will preside over all meetings unless absent and ensure all matters are

compliant with the Constitution.

(b) Vice-Chairperson – will assist the Chairperson in planning and take the chair in the

absence of the Chairperson

(c) Secretary – will prepare and maintain a database of all member associations plus

individual affiliate members. Will receive and conduct all correspondence as required by

the Committee. Will keep minutes of all meetings. Will hold the Common Seal of the

society and apply it to legal or other documents as required, attachment to be signed by

the Secretary plus one other Committee member. Will forward the annual financial

statements to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies following approval at the AGM. Will

notify if any changes are needed to the constitution.

(d) Treasurer – Will receive all monies payable to Ratepayers NZ and deposit such monies in

the Association’s bank account as the Committee will direct. Will record receipts and

payments, pay all authorised accounts and collect any outstanding debts. Will be a


Adopted 23rd March 2019

signatory to the bank account, together with one or more designated members of the



All members of the Committee shall be indemnified by Ratepayers NZ against losses,

expenses and other liabilities incurred in the course of their functions for the society, with

the exception of any liabilities involving fraud.

Conflict of Interest:

Members of the Committee must disclose any circumstances that may involve them in a

conflict of interest. Such members must not participate in any discussion or decision-making

regarding items in which they have a personal interest, pecuniary or otherwise.

Pecuniary Gain:

No member of the Association may obtain any personal pecuniary benefit or advantage from

activities undertaken by the Association, other than reward for professional services at

current market rates.

Dismissal from the Committee:

A member of the Committee may be dismissed if that person performs an act or behaviour

contrary to the objectives of the society and which in the majority opinion of the Committee

could bring the society into disrepute. In the event of a Committee member becoming

bankrupt or placed under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988,

membership of the Committee shall be terminated.

Alteration of Rules:

Any amendment to the Constitution of Ratepayers NZ may only be made at an Annual

General Meeting or Special General Meeting of members. Six (6) weeks’ notice must be given

and any resolution for change will require a two-thirds majority of member associations

present or represented.


The Association may be dissolved by resolution at an Annual General Meeting or a Special

General Meeting convened for that purpose. Any such resolution will require a two-thirds

majority of member associations present or represented at such meeting.

Upon dissolution any assets of the society are to be distributed to one or more like bodies or

as directed by the High Court.


The foregoing is the Constitution of Ratepayers NZ adopted on (date to be inserted)

……………………………………………. Chairperson …………………………………………………..Secretary