Hamilton City


Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc

https://www.hamiltonratepayers.com/( and on Facebook )

Mischele Rhodes ( vice-president) : hamiltonratepayers@gmail.com

or 07 847 7405

Grey Power contact Rowena Kaleopa :- hamgreypower@clear.net.nz.

Hamilton Grey Power, 30 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3204.

Concerned Citizen

Ratepayers and Residents' Groups: Hamilton R & R Assoc Inc 07 846 4881 (10am – 12pm)

Grey Power contacts: Hamilton Grey Power E: hamgreypower@clear.net.nz P: 07 834 0668

Chambers of Commerce : Waikato C of C E: reception@waikatochamber.co.nz 07 839 5895

Retail associations : http://www.retail.org.nz

Returned Service Association : Hamilton RSA E: rsahamilton@xtra.co.nz P: 07 8394928

Environmental groups : Waikato Environment Centre E: envirocentre@paradise.net.nz P: 07 839 4452

Hamilton City Council – Environment & Health E: environmental.health@hcc.govt.nz

Tui 2000 Inc Katherine Hay P: 021 267 2773, Moira Cursey 027 222 3791

Hamilton Permaculture Trust E: permaham@actrix.co.nz P: 07 834 2249

Waikato Tree Trust E: Kirsten.gerry@clear.net.nz P: 021 2862 066

Waikato Biodiversity Forum E: m.cursey@xtra.co.nz P: 0800 246 348 FREE

Advocacy Groups : Craig Wills (Beneficiary Advocate) E: pukete3@hnpl.net.nz P: 07 850 4013/027 710 6485

Patients Rights Advocacy E: info@patientsrights.org.nz P: 07 846 4889 (10 – 12pm)

Linkage ACC Advocacy E: accadvocacy@linkage.co.nz P: 07 857 1585

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service E: advocacy@hdc.org.nz P: 027 2289 121

CAB Hamilton Advocacy Service E: hamilton@cab.org.nz P: 839 0395

Waikato Student Union E: admin@wsu.org.nz P: 07 856 9139

Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project E: admin@haip.org.nz P: 07 834 3148

Poverty Action Waikato P 07 929 4814

media: print, newspapers, magazines. Waikato Times P: 07 849 6180



Internet : websites

facebook groups / pages.

2019-10-12 See the Hamilton City Council's Local Government Elections page here

If you know of any Ratepayers and Residents' Associations that aren't listed here , please send their contact details to us here at : ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com