Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents' Association

2019-05-21 A Plea for Help


Tel 09 4315413 - Bruce Rogan

web-site :

Latest News 2018-08-07: Supreme Court rejects Mangawhai Ratepayers' illegal rates battle ( Radio New Zealand )

To hear Radio New Zealand's announcement of the decision click here :

Your rates have probably just increased....

Kaipara rates may rise as property values increase by a third : NZ Herald April 2018

A call for assistance from other ratepayers' groups for costs to defend the High Courts decision in our favour, written by Mangawhai Ratepayers' chairman , Bruce Rogan, on the 15th of December 2017.

For a more detailed chronology of the Mangawhai Ratepayers VS Kaipara District Council et al , please go to :

or to