TOP Party

To The Opportunities Party

Kia ora !

The Federation of Ratepayers Association Inc has recently been set up to assist Ratepayer and Residents' Associations throughout New Zealand

As we are going into a General Election on the 17th of October 2020, we have compiled the following questions with your responses being made available through our website to which a link will be sent out through our network of associations and to the media.

Acknowledgement of this request and a prompt response would be much appreciated.

  1. Do you have a policy on local government?

Yes ( received from Geoff Simmons on the 5th of October 2020 )

Geoff Simmons <>

  1. 1a – If yes, can you please provide a copy?

Our Urban Development policy is the key here:

  1. What do you think the 3 biggest challenges are in relation to local government?

Funding for infrastructure so local Govt has the incentive to allow development and the money to build infrastructure required.

Giving more say to local communities.

RMA reform

  1. What ideas do you have to address what has been described as an infrastructure deficit across local authority jurisdictions?

Giving local authorities back the GST on development. This would increase their budget by 20% and would be for infrastructure spending.

  1. Are you considering alternative funding streams to provide upgrades or new infrastructure for growing communities?

As per above.

  1. Are you prepared to increase spending on civics education?

Yes, that is part of our Democracy policy

  1. Will you commit to continue funding the [Radio NZ] local democracy reporters?

Yes, that is part of our Democracy policy.

  1. Do you intend to reform the local government sector during this next term? If yes, how?

Only the RMA reform and infrastructure spending as set out above.

  1. If no, can you commit to consultation with Ratepayer Associations on any proposals for reform.


  1. In order to ensure impartiality and interest in local elections would you require the Electoral Office to run Local Government elections rather than the Councils themselves
