20191031 Incorpoated Society status


Media Release 31st October 2019

The Federation of Ratepayers Association of NZ Inc, has been over a year in the making, and incorporated on the 30th October, in time to watch newly elected Mayors, Councillors, Community Board and Local Board members be sworn in up and down the country.

Inaugural President, John Riddell, says the Federation is not there to take on every conceivable resident or ratepayers concern but rather to be a one stop shop that can work with ratepayers groups throughout the country and individuals to ensure that Councils follow correct process, consult and listen properly with their communities and restore the public faith public bodies so that future local government elections have a high turnout of voters, democracy and transparency being restored to Local Government.

Resident and Ratepayer groups are primarily formed “to represent the views of the community to the local Council and Government, ensuring adequate resources are spent in the community that will benefit the whole community”.

The Association hopes that over time it will build a working relationship with Local Government NZ, the Government, the media, all political parties, elected members, residents and ratepayers across the country to ensure Local Government functions well, people understand its role, money is not wasted and our communities take back control of Councils through their elected representatives.


John Riddell – President Federation of Ratepayers NZ, ph 0274779750, 219B Royal Road, Massey, Auckland 0614

Email – riddell.family@xtra.co.nz

Alan Preston – Secretary – ph 02102377242

Email - ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com