Questions for Candidates

Questions for Political Parties ( links to responses included below )

1. Do you have a policy on local government?

1a – If yes, can you please provide a copy?

2. What do you think the 3 biggest challenges are in relation to local government? 3. What ideas do you have to address what has been described as an infrastructure deficit across local authority jurisdictions?

4. Are you considering alternative funding streams to provide upgrades or new infrastructure for growing communities?

5. Are you prepared to increase spending on civics education?

6. Will you commit to continue funding the [Radio NZ] local democracy reporters? 7. Do you intend to reform the local government sector during this next term? If yes, how? 8. Can you commit to consulting with the Federation of Ratepayers Association and with Ratepayer and Resident Associations on any proposals for reform?

9. In order to ensure impartiality and to increase interest in local government elections will you commit to requiring the Electoral Commission to run local elections rather than councils themselves?

Please send your responses to by the 10th October 2020

Thank you for taking the time to respond. FoRA NZ will publish your responses and distribute them to all Ratepayer & Residents Associations across New Zealand.

See Responses from : TOP Party
Green Party