2020 AGM

Most recently updated on Wednesday Sunday the 26th of July 2020.

The Federation of Ratepayer Associations of New Zealand Incorporated held its first Annual General Meeting

from 12.30 -5 p.m. on Saturday the 25th of July 2020

in 'The Den' at the Massey Community Hall, corner Don Buck Road and Redhills Road, Massey, West Auckland.

The Agenda, The minutes of last year's meeting,

and to read more about the Federation click here and our Constitution is viewable here.

Minutes will be made available in due course ( 26th of July 2020 )

Our new committee was voted in

Chair : Jane Johnston : Paihia/Kerikeri : agentjane99@gmail.com

Vice Chair: Reynold MacPherson : Rotorua Ratepayers

Secretary : Alan Preston : 4 Insley Street, Mangawhai 0505 Tel 02102377242 or 09 4315389 : ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com

Treasurer : John Riddell (riddell.family@xtra.co.nz) has taken over from Alec Cox : Kerikeri :

Committee : Mark Kilgour : Hamilton : kilgourm@hotmail.com, Raymond Mudford : Hamilton Residents and Ratepayers.

Thank you for your support.

Alan Preston

Secretary for the Federation of Ratepayer Associations of New Zealand.

Email - ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com

Mobile : 02102377242

Provision was made to participate using Zoom video-conferencing.

Membership fees can be still paid for up to 3 months after the AGM via our bank account ( which is currently (21st of July 2020 ) still being set up - so our account number yet to be allocated )

Annual General Meeting AGENDA

Saturday 25 July – 1pm to 5pm 2020

Venue – Massey Birdwood Settlers Hall (cnr Don Buck and Red Hills Road, Massey, Auckland)

Item 1 Welcome and Introduction



Item 2 Chairpersons Report

Item 3 Financial Report

Item 4 Election of Officers

    • Chairperson
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Other Committee members

Item 5 Setting of Annual Fees

Item 7 Communications Planning and Implementation report of executive

Item 8 General Business

Next Meeting - general meeting and/or Committee meetings

Nomination forms are downloadable in .pdf format here