Whakatane District


Whakatane District Council  


Whakatane Action Group  ( awaiting contact info )
Contact : David Dowd  on 0274336930  or by email @ david@ddl.co.nz


Whakatane Ratepayers Association <whakataneratepayersassociation@gmail.com>

Brian Newton


Matatā Residents Assn 

Chair:           Fred Savage - fred@matata.co.nz

Secretary:      Jessica Steel - ra@matata.co.nz


Te Teko Residents Assn – inquiries to  Kris Byrne at  byrnefamily64@xtra.co.nz


If you know of any Ratepayers and Residents' Associations that aren't listed here, please send their contact details to us here at : ratepayersandresidents@gmail.com