Pomeroy in Clapton in Gordano, Somerset

Richard Pomeroy, Esq: Devon and Somersetshire


Latest batch of National Archive Records resolved some questions about Richard Pomeroy who married Anne Wykes Arthur.

He is the same Richard in the Visitations (Vivian) who married Elinor Coker. “Alive in 1531.”

HE was the Richard Pomeroy at Sandridge 1523, owing £8 to the King. (Powley).

His mother Agnes held Sandridge “by Gift,” and he by Inheritance, as her heir.)

HE was the Richard Pomeroy who held lease of the Grange at Garston of Champernoun, (C 1/1058/70) and who purchased a 25 year lease of the Manor of Little Totnes from John Ford; Both were church properties subject to closure and made available by the King.

Problems arouse when both Champernoun died “beyond the sea” and Ford died also, without recording the lease agreements made to Pomeroy.

Richard Pomeroy was called a “Powerful” man, who has Good Council. (Similar to the complaint Sir Edward made of Richard’s mother; that she had powerful friends.)

But most importantly, there is physical evidence that he WAS the same Richard POMEROY who married Anne Wykes Arthur.

C 1/1254/44

C 1/1254/53

The evidence is that two documents, written two years apart; were written by the same hand.

… In one, Richard Pomeroy, in 1547, details the Little Totnes issue, in which he mentions (at the time of making the lease agreement 1536) his wife was Elinor, and son was Harry; and in the other Richard Pomeroy (1549) discusses the 1/3rd share of each of the properties which came to him in Clapton in Gordano, and Weston in Somersetshire, and other lands in Somersetshire,, of which he had asFreeholder, as the result of his marriage…to Anne, widow of Thomas Arthur on 8 May 1545.

Although there is an unresolved gap, this ties the Clevedon Pomeroy’s to the Main House via Thomas Pomeroy of Bowden at Totnes, who was 3rd son of Squire Henry of Berry Pomeroy. DNA ties the Clevedon Pomeroy’s to Genetic Family B.


Richard Pomeroy, esq, (circa 1500-1570) married a widow named Anne (Wykes) Arthure, with four Arthure children. Her dower was 1/3 interest in Clapton in Gordano and Weston-super-Mare, in Somerset. And other lands.

Covering dates Between 1492 and 1547

Held by

The National Archives, Kew

Legal status Public Record(s)

Scope and content

Richard HOPKYNS and Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Arthur, esquire, deceased, v. Thomas HORNER, knight, feodary of co. Somerset.: Legacy payable out of the manor of Clapton.: SOMERSET.

Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Procee... C 1/1254/43

Richard POMERYE, esquire, and Anne his wife, late the wife of Thomas Arture, v. John ARTURE, son and heir of the said Thomas.: Annuity promised to the said Anne in lieu of dower.: SOMERSET. . Detailed description at item level Richard POMERYE, esquire,

Date: 1544 - 1551

Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Procee... C 1/1256/46

Richard PO[MERYE] and Anne his wife, late the wife of Thomas Arture, v. Thomas HORNOR, knight.: One-third of the manors of Clapton and Weston-super-Mare assigned to the said Anne as dower.: SOMERSET. . Detailed description at item level Richard POMERYE

Date: 1544 - 1551

What interested me about this Richard Pomeroy, esq. is that his name, coupled with Anne, widow of Arthur, appears in a land record associated with property in Little Totnes, Devon. While he may not have lived there, as an adult, it does suggest his place of origin in Devon. Where this couple lived is unknown, but a Chancery suit 1549 suggests they were living at Ninhedflorie, Somerset at that time, probably with her step mother, Agnes Strowbridge Wykes, 2nd wife of her father, William Wykes.

Agnes Strowbridge, Anne's stepmother, married as his 2nd wife, William Wykes of Ninhedflorie. Agnes was the sister of William Strowbridge, who in turn was married to Agnes Hengscott, daughter of Tristram Hengscott.

Tristram Hengscott's wife was Anne Pomeroy, sister of Richard Pomeroy who visitations 1531 was married to Eleanor Coker.

See Below.)

Marriage: 1545, Anne Wykes, relict of Thomas Arthur, of Clapton, Somerset.

File: C 1/1254/43. Date: 1544-1551: Richard POMERYE, esquire, and Anne his wife, late the wife of Thomas Arture, v. John ARTURE, son and heir of the said Thomas. Annuity promised to the said Anne in lieu of dower.: SOMERSET.: 1544-1551


Connection of Richard Pomeroy, esq. to Totnes, Devon:

File: C 1/1254/44 . Date 1544-1551: Richard POMERYE, esquire, and Anne his wife, late the wife of Thomas Arture, v. George, son and heir of John FORDE. Lease of lands (described) in the manor of Little Totnes, now claimed by John, earl of Bath.: DEVON. 1544-1551.

Connection of Richard and Anne to Clevedon/Bristol area:

C 1/1256/46

Richard PO[MERYE] and Anne his wife, late the wife of Thomas Arture, v. Thomas HORNOR, knight.

One-third of the manors of Clapton and Weston-super-Mare assigned to the said Anne as dower. Detailed description at item level Richard PO[MERYE Date: 1544 - 1551

Thomas Arture, (Arthur)1st Husband of Anne Wykes, establishing the names of her father, mother and brother:

1 Receipt of Thomas Arthur of Clapton, Esq.: Receipt DD\SF/903 1539

Of Thos. Arthur of Clapton, Esq.., for 100 marks paid him by Agnes Wykes, widow at the hands of Wm. Wykes, gent., her son, in satisfaction of the marriage portion of her daughter Anne who is to marry Thomas.

2. Receipt DD\SF/904 1541: Of Thomas Arture of Clapton, Esq.. for £5 paid him by Wm. Wykes (exor.) his brother-in-law in part payment of 100 marks bequeathed to Anne his wife by his father-in-law Wm. Wike

3. Receipt DD\SF/905 1543 : Of Anne Arthur, widow, for £40 paid her by Wm. Wykes her brother, one of the exors. of the Will of their father Wm. Wykes, in part payment of the 100 marks bequeathed her by her father

Will of Thomas Arture: Written in 7 Octover, 1542; proved 1544. Anne, his wife, Thomas Arthur, 2nd son, George Arthur, 3rd son, John Arthur, son and heir.

(Born 2 Mar 1540, Hemington, Somerset. Thomas Launsden, brother of deceased; to be in charge of children, with income from Clopton (Clapton) to pay his bills. Anne Arthur, his daughter. Edmund Arthur, his brother." Henry Wykes, one of administrators.

"My body to be buried in the chancel of the parish church of Porteshed (above left) to which church 6s. ' 8^. To the parish church of Clopton 6s. 8d. To Anne (Wykes) my wife 100 marks which is in the hands of her mother so long that she bring my body honestly in earth according to my degree and keep my month and twelvemonth mind and pay all other funeral expenses."

Clapton in Gorgano

Agnes Wykes of Nynehead Florie, Her Will

Abstracts of Somersetshire wills, etc: copied from the manuscript collections of the late Rev. Frederick Brown, Volume 1

Agnes Wykes, (nee Strowbridge) widow of William Wykes, of Nynehed Florie, Somerset. (She also has associations with North Wyke, in Devon.)

Will dated July 30 1552, proved Aug 17 1554. To my daughter Alice 100 pounds. My sons, Thomas, Andrew and John Wykes. Joan, wife of Andrew. William, son of Andrew. Ann, daughter of ditto. Elizabeth, wife of John Wykes, John son of John Wykes. Alice, daughter of John Wykes. Elizabeth daughter of Andrew Wykes. Alice Wykes my daughter, if not married before my death, my estate of land called South Haws, and if she is married, then to Adam my son.

To Richard Pomeroy, Esq.. 6 lb 8.8.

Richard Pomeroy, esq; Overseer

Anne Wykes Arthur was the step daughter of Agnes Wykes, widow of William Wykes. Her father had provided her dowry upon her marriage to Thomas Arthur.

Clapton in Gordano family in the 1570's:


Easton in Gordano Pomeroy family in the 1590's

A Soundex search for Pomeroy in Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire

yielded the name "Penrie" , and then returned but four names: all in Easton in Gordano!

It is safe to assume that the two birth records: Henry ( 1595 ) and Eizabeth (1592) were Pomeroy's and connected to either John (1572) or Richard (1592) sons of Richard Pomeroy in Clapton in Gordano.

Penrie: (Pomeroy)

Elizabeth Penrie born 21 Dec 1592, Easton in Gordano

Henrie Penrie born 14 Nov 1594, Easton in Gordano

Because of the date of Elizabeth's birth..1592...I believe that they are children of the oldest son of Richard Pomeroy, born in Clapton in Gordano, 1572.

I searched Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Wiltshire for "Penrie" burials: There were only two:

John Penrie buried 9 June 1611, Easton in Gordano

Richard Penrie died 28 May 1611, Easton in Gordano

(Generation gap)

Clapton in Gordano, Somerset: Pomeroy family in the 1670's

Family of Edward Pomeroy born circa 1655, married GRACE FOOT, 6 April, 1675, Nailsea, Somerset.

Grace was buried 28 July 1696, in Walton in Gordano, Somerset. Her death is also noted in Bedminster, Somerset.

Children baptized in Clapton in Gordano, Somerset:

Anne, 1677

Grace 1681

Hugh 13 Jan 1678, M. 22 Apr 1707, Jane Cotterell, buried 18 Jul, 1733, Jane was buried 5 Oct 1740, both in Clevedon, Somerset.

Pacience 1683

Nicholas 1683.


Family of Hugo Pomeroy b c 1660: Died 4 May 1699, Walton in Gordano. M. Joane

Children: William, 20 Sep 1685, Walton in Gordano

* 5 Dec 1688, Walton in Gordano

Hugh, 20 Jun 1690, , Walton in Gordano

Joan b. 11 Dec 1692, Walton in Gordano

George, 8 Aug 1695, Walton in Gordano

Hugh 23 Jun 1697, Walton in Gordano


Archive: The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Kew,

incorporating the Public Record Office (PRO)

and the Historical Manuscripts Commission (HMC).

Archive Catalogue Ref. C1/1254/45-49

Image Ref: C_1_1254_001

Transcribed May 2014 by: Transcription Services Ltd


email: enquiries@tslmanx.net

[folio] 43

1. To the right honorable Sir Rychard Ryche Knyght

2. Lorde Ryche and Lorde Chancelour of England

3. In most humble wise Showith and Complayneth unto yo[ur] good Lordisshipp yo[ur] dayly Orators Rychard Pom[er]ye esquyre & Anne his wiff

4. late ^ the wyffe of Thom[a]s Arture deceassed that where the said Thom[a]s Arture in his lyffe tyme & duringe the Coverture betwene the said

5. Thom[a]s & yo[ur] Oratrixe was seased yn his demeane as of Fee of & yn dyv[er]s ^ manors lond[es] tenem[en]t[es] & hereditament[es] w[ith] th’app[ur]ten[a]nc[es] lyinge yn the

6. Countie of Som[er]s[et] And soe beinge seased abowte the fourth Day of Auguste in the xxxvjth [36th] yere of the Reigne of the late famous Kynge of

7. worthie memorye Kyng Henry the eight [1544] died therof Seased after whose deith all & sing[u]ler the said manors lond[es] tenem[en]t[es] & hereditament[es]

8. discended & of right ought to discende unto one John Arture as Sonne & heire unto the said Thom[a]s who ent[re]ed into all the said hereditament[es] &

9. was & ys therof seased yn his demeane as of Fee And soe beinge therof seased abowte the Fourth day of Auguste yn the thirde yere of the Reign

10. of our ^ Sov[er]ayne Lorde the Kynge that now ys [1549] the said John Arture grannted and assigned unto your Oratours that the said Anne your Oratrixe shulde

11. have out of the said man[n]ors Lond[es] tenem[en]t[es] and hereditament[es] yn recompence for the title of dower of the said Anne yn the said Countie

12. of Som[er]s[et] xix li [£19] of lawfull money of Englande To have ^ & p[er]ceyve unto your said Oratrixe duringe her naturall lyffe payable at foure

13. pryncypall feast[es] of the yere by evyn porcyons that is to weytte [to wit] yn the feaste of Syncte Mychell th’arch[a]nngell the Nativitie of

14. our Lorde god the Annu[n]cyac[i]on of oure Ladie and the [Nativ]ytie of Seynct John the Baptyste by evyn porcions And then the said John

15. Arture for the Ferther assurance of your said Oratrixe of and yn the said yerely Rent of xix li [£19] and for the true paymente yerely of the same at

16. the dayes and feast[es] before expressed to be payde at Nenedflorye yn the said Countie of Som[er]s[et] yn the howse of one Agnes Wekys wydowe unto

17. your said Oratours the said John Arture faithfully p[ro]mysed and Assured that he and also one Fr[a]nnc[es] Goradelynge wolde be boundyn by theire

18. writynge obligatorie sure and sufficyente yn the lawe unto your Oratours yn the Som[m]e of one hundred pound[es] at any tyme when your Oratours

19. or any of theym woulde requyre the same / And albe hit your said Oratours have dyv[er]s and many tymes synce requyred the said John Arture to be

20. soe boundyn unto theym of and for the said yerely payment of the said Rent att the dayes and places before expressed accordynge to his sayd feith-

21. full p[ro]myse and that toe do the said John Arture hathe Alwayes synce refused and yet doith for which p[re]mysses your Oratours ben wythout xxx

22. remedye by ordre and Course of the Com[m]en Lawe / In Consyderac[i]on wherof hit may therfore please your good Lordisshipp to gran[n]te the Kyng[es]

23. write of Subpena to be dyrected unto the said John Arture cu[m]manndynge hym by vertue therof p[er]sonally to appere before your good lordisshipp

24. yn the Kyng[es] hight Courte of the Channcerye at A certeyne daye and under A certeyn payne unto hym by your good Lordisshipp to be lymytted

25. then and theire to made Annswere unto the p[re]misses And further to stande and obbey all suche order and dyrecc[i]ons theryn as by your good

26. Lordisshipp shalbe thought moste mett to stande with right equytie and good consciens / And yo[ur] said Oratour shall dayly praye unto god

27. for the contynuan[a]nce of your good Lordisshipp longe yn honore to indure to the pleasure of god /

28. Whullin