Devon Lay Subsidies for Pomeroy 1524 & 1545

Alma LaFrance


1523: Roll 97-186 5-14 Henry (VIII in catalog) 16 membranes, special date of 14 Henry VIII on cover of original ms. (A perfect ms.) Assessment of a subsidy payable by holders of £40 or more than £40 in land or goods. Devon (whole county).

Villa de Tottenes, Ricus Pom'ay in bonus l1i. Villa de Tottenes,

Johanna Hokemore in bonis xl1i Villa de Tottenes, Willms Hokemore in bonis xl1i.

1524: Roll 97-193 14 and 15 Henry VIII, 11 ms. Assessment (of anticipation) of subsidy granted 14-15 Henry VIII. East Budley Hundred: The Paryshe of Sydmouth: Johnes Pom'ye in bonis xii1i—xxiiiis

1524: 96-151 Assessment of 2d payment of subsidy granted 14-15 Heniy VIII. East Budleigh Hundred. Parish de Sydbury: Johnes Pom'y p. vad. xxs— iiiid. Parish de Sydmouth Johnes Pom'y p. bon xii1i—vis. Parish de Sydmouth Johes Pom'y jun. nup. P. vad. xxs. recessu apd. Sydby item on (John Pomery junr. late for wages xxs, withdrew to Sydbury and is charged there). Colyton Hundred, parish de ferway: (Farway) Johes Pom'ey p. vad. xxs— iiiid.

1525: Roll 96-183 15 Henry VIII, 47 ms. Otery St. Mary and Colyton Hundreds: Assessment of first payment of a subsidy granted 14-15 Henry VIII. Hundreds of East Budleigh. The paryssh of Sydmouth: John Pom'ay cessed at subsidy for his goods at xii1'—tax vis. John Pom'ay cessed at subsidy for wages at xxs—tax iiiid. Colyton Hundred, parish of Farway: Johnes Pom'ey cessed at the subsidy in goods and cattails at lxvis—tax xxd.


1545: Roll 99-279 36 Henry VIII. 5 big ms. (rotted out) Pom'ey in goods xxii1i—xiiiis viiid.

1547: Roll 98-263 37 Henry VI11, 4 ms. Hundred of Axminster: Pochia de Honyton, Thoma Pom'ye xiiiis—viiid.

1547: Roll 28-268 37 Henry VIII, 6 ms.Sidbury,Sidmouth,[Issaac] Pom'ye xd. Wills Pomery iid. John Pom'ey

1547: Roll 98-270 37 Henry VIII, 8 ms. Paryshe of ffarwaye, John Pomerye v1' x*1.

1548: Roll 99-297 38 Henry VIII. Hundred of Tavystoke. Mevye, John Pom'ye xvis viiid.