1. Why an eBook?

● The textbooks in Pharmacology for use with Biomedical/Science or Allied Health Students are very good but contain more information than can reasonably be taught in one semester to these students, which is the usual time allotted

Most textbooks, including Pharmacology textbooks, pack information in a condensed form (for economic reasons) and academics need to unpack this material so that students can grasp and comprehend it more easily

Suitable textbooks are too expensive to expect all the students to be able to afford to purchase

Textbooks take a long time to get to publication, and are out of date as soon as they are published. eBooks, without an ISBN, can be continually updated, and kept current

● An eBook can be used as an intermediary between topics of a unit/course and published literature

An eBook can be a tailored resource for the unit/course, instead of an expensive textbook that is not

An eBook can have tailored content related to unit/course learning outcomes

eBooks/eChapters are very popular with International Students, Advanced Standing Students, and Working Students