21.04 Bupropion

Another agent that has been available for some time for smoking cessation is bupropion (Zybab). Bupropion was developed as an anti-depressant, but was not very effective in depression. Bupropion releases dopamine in the brain, and also inhibits NN receptors in brain, and these properties suggested that it may be useful in smoking cessation.

After oral administration, the smoking cessation at one year was 11% in the placebo group and 22% in the bupropion group. Bupropion may reduce the weight gain normally observed with smoking cessation. Bupropion has been controversial and is now contraindicated in patients with epilepsy, or in those with a predisposition to seizures e.g. alcohol abusers.

In conclusion, we are still looking for an effective and save drug to promote smoking cessation.