Thanks/ improvements/Clinics/ Cheri!

Post date: Mar 20, 2017 11:19:24 AM

Detailed update of this weekends work and Clinic:

HI All,

A huge thank you again to Allison and Kyle Cross of 3rd Attempt Barbell for hosting the Bench Press clinic!

The quality and depth of 3rd Attempt's knowledge is amazing. If you have not participated in one of their clinic you need to be readjusting your schedule.

Good coaching like this is hard to come by and its in your own back yard....


Work Done and materials used this weekend:


1) repaired the oldest platform:

2) made two new bumper plate racks: (as shown in last email)

3) installed additional plywood sub flooring: (by the power rack)

4) covered a weak section of flooring: (with horse stall mat)

5) repaired the under -trailer platform support :

6) renewed the WLC PR chalk board

A huge thank you goes to all the WLC volunteers who helped rebuild the platforms, under flooring, flooring , bumper racks and PR board. Veronica Falconieri , Cheri Lee Art, Tom, Bari Fuchs Rob. Kim Jacoby Morris and William Wulftange. Hope no ones missing here


Upcoming goodies:

PT/ Rehab Clinic:

We are in the beginning/planning phase of having Al Lin ( DPT, OMPT, TPI certified) host a clinic and this might be interesting to the general NIH population.

Will provide details soon.

Power Lifting Squat Clinic:

We will host another Squat clinic on either April 8th or 29

April 1st upcoming Olympic wt lifting Meet: Please join in or come cheer us on


WLC Board:

As the WLC continues to grow, we are also getting busier and busier. We are blessed with members who are volunteering their time and talents to help us support the NIH community and we now have a new WLC board member. Please welcome Cheri Lee to our Board of Directors.