Club moving update

Post date: Oct 17, 2016 6:51:3 PM

Hi all,

Thank you to those of you who were able to make the meeting with R&W's Chris Gaines on Thursday. It was a great show of support for the Club, and a demonstration of the dedication of our members. So thank you.

For those who couldn't make it, in summary:

1. Club Leadership and R&W are working together to move the club to the other side of the Loft.

2. We're currently figuring out when and what equipment we will get, with the short term goal of continual Club operations during the move and long term goal being expanded hours and more member capacity.

3. R&W needs to prepare the space before we move, and doesn't have a concrete timeline yet. So, until there's further update, we are still in our usual space in the Loft during our usual hours.

4. Upon a successful move, we will also be negotiating a new dues structure with R&W. Still no details on this, but we will update you when we have something concrete.

See you in the Loft!


VP, NIH Weightlifting Club