Free Class this week / New Bar Rack

Post date: Dec 05, 2016 1:6:38 PM

Hi All,

This Thursday the Free Class will cover:

4-4:40: Snatch

4:40-5:30: Back Squat

Over the weekend I hung our new bars by the platforms.

(See the photo attached below)

I encourage all Club members to use our bars.

A review of our bars follows:

Olympic Weight-Lifting Barbells:

-DHS 20kg Training Olympic Bearing Barbell (2x)

-DHS 15kg Training Olympic Bearing Barbell (1x)

Can’t find specs but these are our best Weightlifting bars:

  • Good whip

  • Rotation: Bearing

  • 28 or 25 mm diameter

  • Single marks for Weightlifting

  • Medium Knurling

Multi-Use Training Barbells:

- Vulcan 20kg Men's Training Olympic Bearing (1x)

-Vulcan 15kg Training Olympic Bearing Barbell (1x)

  • 191 k psi Steel

  • Moderate whip

  • Rotation: Bearing

  • 28 or 25 mm diameter

  • Dual marks for Powerlifting or Weightlifting

  • Medium Knurling

  • Hard Chrome

Power-Lifting Bars:

-Vulcan 20kg Elite Powerlifting Barbell (1x)

  • 196 k psi Steel

  • No Whip

  • Rotation: Bushing

  • 29 mm diameter

  • Dual marks

  • Very Aggressive Knurling

  • Bright Zinc shaft and sleeves

Select your bar by your intended use:

-Olympic Lifts: DHS and Vulcan Multi-use bar

Bars with whip and smooth rotation

-Power-Lifting: Vulcan Power-Lifting bar

Stiff aggressively knurled bar without excessive rotation

-Strength training: Multi-use bar

Moderate cost bar with dual marking

