Call for volunteers / Uncoming Special events

Post date: Mar 01, 2017 2:26:53 PM

Hi all,

One of our weightlifting platforms has worn out, so we are looking for 3 volunteers to help us rebuild it on Saturday, March 18 at 9 AM. There is a strong possibility of homemade baked goods, fyi...

If you can help out, please let me know!

Upcoming Club Events

March 11: Snatch Clinic with Rob & Kim. RSVP to Mike.

March 18: Bench Press Clinic with Allison & Kyle of 3rd Attempt (more info & RSVP details to come)

April 1: Olympic Weightlifting Meet! (followed by club social) Athlete Sign Up Link Volunteer Sign Up Link

Happy Hump Day.



VP, NIH Weightlifting Club