Free Classes / Holiday hours

Post date: Jun 28, 2016 12:44:57 PM

Hi All,

This Thursday's classes will cover:

4-4:40: The Clean

4:40-5:25: Dead-lift and pulls

Please RSVP!

Also about lifting this weekend PLEASE let me know if you want to lift...

This is my schedule

Friday: I plan to take AL on Friday but I will still lift, just not likely at the 4-5:30 session. I aim to lift at~9am and will accommodate others to lift if possible

Sat: Normal hours (10-12)

Monday: I plan to lift but I'm open to a flexible "earlier" time, just not 4-5:30.


PLEASE let me know 1) that you want to lift Friday -Sat or Monday, 2) what hours can work for you
