4. Goal Setting

a. Shooting High "Risk"

When you set high goals, you take a chance that you won't reach the goals and that you will be disappointed. Some people don't want to shoot high because they do not want to have any setbacks. The question is: is it worth the "risk" of disappointment for the good times you experience when you reach a major goal?

I say YES; the achievement of a big goal makes all the past setbacks worth going through. You are so excited by reaching this goal that the other disappointments don't seem very big at the time. If you're not willing to take that "risk," you will never experience the ultimate successes that will come to everyone who keeps pursuing them. Are you willing to take a "risk" to reach your major?

b. Savings Account

Every time you workout - run, lift weights, drill, wrestle, go to tournaments, jump rope, watch video tapes, or listen to motivation tapes - it is like putting money into a savings account. The more you do (over an extended period of time) the more money you can save. Winning a major championship (State, National Freestyle, NCAA, or Olympic) will "cost" a certain amount of money. The problem is you don't know exactly how much it will cost until the time comes.

The key is to make sure that you have saved enough money, so when you need some extra for that last 30 seconds or that last takedown to win the championship, you have something "to draw" on it. Be sure you "save" as much as you can, as regularly as you can. How much will be in your account when you go into your championship?"

c. $100,000 Income

Question: Does setting high goals help you achieve more?

Which will make you happiest? (1) Setting a goal of $100,000 income and only reaching $80,000? or (2) Setting a goal of $50,000 and reaching that? Sure you might be disappointed that you did not reach the $100,000 goal, but when you look at it from a positive perspective, you achieved $30,000 more income (i.e., maybe earning 2 places higher in a major championship). The higher goal motivates you to accomplish more, if you believe that you can reach the goal when you set it. If you really want "to be the best you can be" then setting high goals will help you to achieve more. You have to decide if you want to reach a goal or to reach your potential.