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Given at Cedar Park Church in Bothell, WA on Oct. 16, 2014 as part of Chris Ashcraft's monthly Apologetics Symposium.

Fossil remains of over 1000 different types of dinosaurs have been discovered. Each new discovery heightens the interest in these incredible creatures, and seems to raise more questions than are answered. What were dinosaurs like? How do they fit in with the Bible?

Skeptics dismiss references to monsters in ancient history as myth. But stories of scaly reptilians are remarkably consistent from cultures all over the world.

Given at Cedar Park Church, Bothell on April 6, 2016.

One aspect of apologetics is showing how archaeology can support Biblical accuracy. This presentation attempts to make Bible archaeology culturally relevant by showing how it relates to issues facing our culture today.

Atheists and skeptics accuse the God of the OT as being an unjust, unforgiving tyrant. To answer these charges we examine the practices of the Canaanites and surrounding nations, including Sodom and Gomorrah, through archaeological evidence to show why God had to judge them and end their practices.

The presentation covers two areas. These are related in that they both illustrate why God must sometimes issue judgment:

1) Why did God command the Israelites to utterly destroy whole cities? Archaeological discoveries can help shed light on this question.

2) Have Sodom and Gomorrah been located? Several sites have been proposed. The presentation shows which one(s) seem to be the best candidates.

Given at Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (Atonement Free Lutheran Church), Arlington, WA on Aug. 26, 2016

Evolutionists charge that creationism has hindered science, and that “no real scientist believes in creation.” Yet history shows just the opposite: Many of the greatest scientific discoveries have been by scientists who believed in God as Creator. On the other hand, science based upon evolutionary assumptions has resulted in much wasted research money, and ideas that are now in total disrepute. Additionally, evolutionary thinking leaves a trail of hopelessness and despair, and ideas that have been devastating to humanity, even resulting in the deaths of millions of people.

Endeavoring to “think God’s thoughts after Him,” as did astronomer Johann Kepler, not only results in more reliable scientific methods and results, but provides us with a positive outlook on life and hope for the future.

In this presentation I show some of the consequences of ideas based upon evolutionary assumptions, and contrast them with the great advances in science made by Bible-believing scientists.

Given at Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (Atonement Free Lutheran Church), Arlington, WA on Feb. 23, 2018

Most people assume that the concept of evolution began with Charles Darwin. But Darwin merely popularized and provided a supposedly scientific explanation for evolution, an idea that has been around for a long time. A thread of evolutionary thought may be traced back to the earliest recorded civilizations.

In this presentation we trace evolutionism back to its early beginnings and show how it influenced Greek philosophy, which in turn affected Western culture from the Renaissance down to the present, and became deeply rooted in our culture today.

Given at Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (Atonement Free Lutheran Church), Arlington, WA on July 23, 2021

There have been thousands of reports of strange lights in the sky over many years. Are these Unidentified Flying Objects real? If so, what are they? Aliens from another galaxy? Secret government projects? How are they connected to evolution? While most unidentified aerial phenomena can be attributed to natural causes, there remain some that defy explanation. This presentation examines the nature of these sightings and their similarity to paranormal manifestations. The answer will be surprising to many!