"Real Chemistry doesn't Support the Origin of Life by Chemical Evolution" on Friday Sept. 13,2019

Post date: Nov 27, 2019 5:33:56 PM

Ron Payne

Textbooks and the popular media show life evolving from chemicals when conditions are “just right.” They blithely skip over the details of how it had to happen, assuming that some day scientists will figure it out. But what they don’t mention is that well-established principles of chemistry show that proposed evolutionary processes CANNOT in fact have happened regardless of the environment, conditions or length of time. Ron will show how simple facts of chemistry preclude any chance of chemicals evolving cellular life. This single problem is the death knell for the entire evolutionary model. Ignoring the real science in this one area leads to the conclusion that evolution is "faith-based" —faith in naturalism and materialism, showing that evolutionism is actually a type of religion. Speaker: Ron Payne

Location: Edgewood Bible Church, 1720 Meridian Ave. East, Edgewood, WA

When: Friday Sept. 13, 2019

Time: 7:00 PM