For Kids

Dinosaurs! (1st – 8th Grades)

Dinosaurs and Dragons (4th – 12th Grades)

Were dinosaurs real? What were they like? Ancient stories and legends provide evidence that people may have actually seen dinosaurs. The Bible describes animals that may have been dinosaurs, and indicates that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark. In this presentation we see how they could have fit on the Ark. There are many clues that tell us what probably happened to them. However, a few may still survive today in inaccessible areas of the world.

Noah’s Ark and The Big Flood (Primary Grades)

Noah’s Ark and the Worldwide Flood (4th – 6th Grades)

Noah’s Ark and the Genesis Flood (5th – 12th Grades)

The story of the Genesis Flood: Noah’s obedience to God and what the Flood was like. We look at some modern examples that show what probably happened during the Flood. We also answer questions such as: Where did the water come from, and where did it go? What did the Ark look like? How did all the animals fit on the Ark? and Were there dinosaurs on the Ark?

The Fossils Tell a Story (4th- 8th Grades)

What is a fossil, and what can fossils tell us? Evolutionists tell us that fossils prove evolution. Is this true or does it depend upon assumptions? People have been searching for fossils to prove evolution ever since the time of Darwin, but have yet to succeed in spite of the claims that evolution is a fact. The fossils, when viewed from a creation perspective, provide evidence of Noah’s Flood.

Miracles of Creation (4th- 9th Grades)

God’s handiwork is abundantly evident in His creation if we care to look for it. The incredible designs in bats, bees, butterflies, and birds defy evolution. How are butterflies able to migrate thousands of miles each year without being taught? Some animals and plants depend upon each other for survival. Did they somehow evolve together against tremendous odds, or were they created by God to work together?

Why do some animals help other animals and sometimes humans? Evolution has a difficult time explaining these things. A better explanation is an all-wise Designer.

The Third Day (7th -12th Grades)

Museum displays, textbooks, and websites show diagrams of how scientists believe plant life evolved in the distant past. They assume it evolved in parallel with animal life, but there’s little evidence to support this. This presentation shows a better explanation for some unusual fossils of ancient plant life—the Genesis Flood. We also look at some “living fossils”—trees supposedly extinct for millions of years, but have been found still alive today. The oldest living things on Earth today actually date from shortly after the Flood.

The Fourth Day (Creation Astronomy for K - 5)

This is an introduction to God’s creation as seen in the heavens, including the planets, stars, and galaxies. We also show why Earth is a special place. The presentation includes hands-on activities for the different grade levels.

Big Bang? (Middle School)

The Heavens Declare His Glory (High School)

Did the universe create itself? Secular astronomers think everything began with a Big Bang some 13½ billion years ago. In spite of claims by the popular media no one knows how this could have happened. But there are a number of seldom-mentioned facts that contradict Big Bang cosmology, and indicate a young universe. In the high school presentation we also explore some possibilities as to how we can see distant starlight in a young universe.

Not By Chance (High School)

A big puzzle for evolution is how inanimate matter could become living. Scientists have been trying to imagine how this could’ve happened, but there are insurmountable problems with every scenario they’ve come up with. Biology textbooks gloss over this problem, assuming it must have happened somehow. The only plausible explanation is creation by God as depicted in Genesis.

Age of the Earth (Middle School)

Somewhere in Time (High School)

Is Earth thousands or billions of years old? Does it really matter? If it’s very old, the Bible isn’t a reliable source of information. There are many assumptions scientists make in coming up with an ancient age for Earth. There are also many indicators of a young age, which kids aren’t told about in school. This presentation exposes the flaws in the methods for dating the ages of rocks, and subsequently the age of the Earth.

Aunt Lucy (Middle School – High School)

Are ape-men in our ancestry? Why is there such a fuss over a few old bones? Paleontologists sometimes see what they want to see in hominid fossils. This presentation points out the assumptions and flaws in assigning places in our family tree to extinct apes. A related topic is cave men: were they real? How do they fit in with Biblical history? This presentation gives the answer!

The Creation (Middle School)

Introduction to Creation/Evolution (High School)

What is creation? What is evolution? Did evolutionary processes form our world? These presentations examine the conflict between humanistic science and God-centered science, and shows why the controversy is more a worldview conflict than a scientific one. We also look at the results of an evolutionary worldview vs. a Biblical worldview, and why so many have compromised their beliefs with atheistic evolution.

Genesis One Creation Science Workshop for K - 6 with parents.

Through 15 or more experiments and observations children and parents learn how to study the works of

God so that they may subdue the earth for their own and others’ use, and strengthen the reason for serving the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this by observing the order of the creation events of the six solar days of Genesis One and considering how and why God created as He diGod’s works, based on Romans 1:20, reveal His attributes. These attributes are emphasized throughout the activities of this workshop, especially His sovereignty, knowledge, wisdom, power, goodness, and loving care.

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