"Don't Miss the Boat"

Post date: Nov 22, 2017 1:28:01 AM

Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor, Director of Mt. St. Helens Creation Center will speak at Edgewood Bible Church

1720 Meridian Ave. East

Edgewood, WA 98371

Friday May 12, 2017

7:00 PM

What are the biblical and scientific implications of the events of Genesis 6 to 9? 2 Peter 3:5,6 make it clear that the original world was destroyed by water in the Flood. If this is so, such a global event must have left its mark on the world. This talk illustrates why it’s imperative to believe in the global Flood. It looks at what the New Testament says about the Flood, and how the scientific evidence is all around us, in the fossil record and elsewhere, if it is correctly interpreted.

Author of nine books and international speaker, Paul Taylor has been speaking on creation and apologetics for over 35 years. Mt. St. Helens Creation Center in Toutle, WA offers presentations and tours of the mountain, and operates a book store with a large selection of creation titles. For more information visit www.mshcreationcenter.org.