Sept. 16, 2014

Post date: Oct 25, 2016 11:10:10 PM

Robert Carter

"The Alternative: Creation's Competitive Edge" by Dr. Rob Carter on Sept. 16, 2014. The only alternative to evolution is creation, which has a clear advantage.

About the Speaker: Dr Carter obtained a BS in Applied Biology from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992. He then spent four years teaching high school biology, chemistry, physics and electronics before going to the University of Miami to obtain his PhD in Marine Biology. He successfully completed this program in 2003 with a dissertation on “Cnidarian Fluorescent Proteins.” While in Miami, he studied the genetics of pigmentation in corals and other invertebrates, designed and built an aquaculture facility for Caribbean corals, performed well over 500 SCUBA dives, many of them at night, and licensed a spin-off product of his research (a patented fluorescent protein) to a biotech company. He is currently a senior scientist and speaker for CMI-USA in Atlanta, Georgia, where he lives with his wife, Leanne, and children and is currently researching human genetics and other issues related to biblical creation.