

These classes are designed to run from 12 hours (semester) to 30 hours (year-long) each, and can be tailored to fit the requirements of your group.

“In the Beginning” for High School through Adult

This class is designed to give Christians a defense against the pressure to conform to worldly values and philosophies, especially as propagated through the teaching of evolution. In it we expose the flaws and assumptions that underlie this materialistic worldview.

Here are the topics we cover:

  • Why is the creation / evolution question important?
  • The Bible and creation: should the Genesis account be taken literally or is it an allegory?
  • Does the fossil record support long-ages evolution or creation?
  • The Big Bang and the age of the earth.
  • Could dinosaurs and humans have coexisted?
  • Is it possible to form life from chemicals?
  • Theories of evolution—ways in which evolution has supposedly taken place, and the problems with each.
  • The evolution of man: ape-men, frauds and shifting opinions.

Each class participant receives a manual and workbook which cover all of the subject matter taught, and includes other related issues. Time permitting, we also include one or two field trips.

“Creation or Evolution?” for Middle School / Jr. High School

A semester- or year-long class for Christian schoolers that examines the creation / evolution controversy from a Biblical and scientific standpoint. It’s designed to give young people a defense against the pressure to conform to worldly values and philosophies, especially as propagated through the teaching of evolution. In it we expose the flaws and assumptions that underlie this materialistic worldview.

Here are the topics we cover:

  • The Creation
  • The Fall of Man and The Beginning of Nations
  • The Flood
  • Science vs. Evolution
  • Human Evolution
  • Man is Without Excuse (Evidences for Design)
  • Dinosaurs

One or two field trips accompany the class, as well as hands-on experiments that demonstrate different aspects of God’s creation.

To download a flyer for the classes, click on the file name below: