July 10, 2015

Post date: Oct 26, 2016 4:08:09 AM

Vince LaPoint

Answer Evolution


For thousands of years, great thinkers of the world have discussed the origins of the human race. The primary belief has always been that God is the creator of all we see, including mankind.

But there is now another belief prevalent in western civilization: evolution. Rather than mankind coming from God, some believe that man evolved from a primate. But belief in evolution is based on a lot of misunderstandings.

We explore whether evolution fits the definition of science and review some of the examples that people propose as proofs of evolution. And we expose some of the many myths that continue to be taught in our schools today – even after being exposed as fraudulent.

We take a look at some proposed transitional life forms, some very recent news stories that attempt to support evolution, and then we compare the fossil record against today’s living creatures. We also discuss DNA, “family trees”, geomorphic history and other related sciences.

We also examine why it is that some people choose to believe in evolution.

All of this is to better prepare you to Answer Evolution.

Youtube link: http://youtu.be/J9pm2EfyfiE

Vince LaPoint


Vince LaPoint was not raised a Christian. During his upbringing, he was introduced to naturalism, astrology, witchcraft, eastern mysticism, and various forms of organized religion. In school, he pursued math and science and has spent the last 25+ years in the high-tech industry.

Today, Vince attends Calvary Chapel Eastside in Bellevue, WA and is involved in ministry there. Convinced from the evidence that the Bible is the true and reliable Word of God, he teaches classes on apologetics and creation/evolution and has been a guest speaker at several churches. Vince is a member of the Creation Association of Puget Sound. He frequents evolutionist and atheist gatherings to engage in probing dialog.