January 6, 2017

Post date: Feb 8, 2017 9:55:18 PM

Mike Riddle

"Evolution, The Bible, and the Problem of Evil" by Mike Riddle on January 6, 2017 at Edgewood Bible Church, 1720 Meridian Ave. East, Edgewood, WA, 98371."If there’s a good God, why is there so much evil in the world?” You may have heard this question from non-Christians before. The problem of evil has been a stumbling block to many people, and has been debated by philosophers for centuries. Mike Riddle tackles this issue and ties in the influence of evolution. He answers questions such as:

♦ Where did evil come from? Did God create it? ♦ Did God use evolution as a means of creation?Mike Riddle is an international speaker and educator on Christian education and apologetics. He is also an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis. He holds a degree in mathematics and a graduate degree in education, and has been involved in creation ministry for more than thirty years. Prior to getting involved in creation ministry, Mike was a captain in the U.S. Marines and a national champion in track and field. Mike currently lectures and teaches world-wide on creation apologetics, Christian education, science and the Bible, and developing a biblical worldview.

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