August 16, 2016

Post date: Feb 8, 2017 9:43:46 PM

Science and Humanism: The Consequences of Bad Ideas

by Bruce Barton at Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County

Atonement Free Lutheran Church

6905 172nd St NE

Arlington, WA 98223

Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Evolutionists charge that creationism has hindered science, and that “no real scientist believes in creation.” Yet history shows just the opposite: Many of the greatest scientific discoveries have been by scientists who believed in God as Creator. On the other hand, science based upon evolutionary assumptions has resulted in much wasted research money, and ideas that are now in total disrepute. Additionally, evolutionary thinking leaves a trail of hopelessness and despair, and ideas that have been devastating to humanity, even resulting in the deaths of millions of people.

Endeavoring to “think God’s thoughts after Him,” as did astronomer Johann Kepler, not only results in more reliable scientific methods and results, but provides us with a positive outlook on life and hope for the future.

In this presentation I show some of the consequences of ideas based upon evolutionary assumptions, and contrast them with the great advances in science made by Bible-believing scientists.