"Awesome Eclipse and Other Astronomical Wonders"

Post date: Nov 22, 2017 1:47:11 AM

Dr. Don Johnson Edgewood Bible Church 1720 Meridian Ave. East Edgewood, WA 98371 Friday, September 8, 2017 7:00 PM Dr. Johnson showed pictures of the August 21 solar eclipse, other pictures of eclipses, and awesome star formations. A total solar eclipse requires the sun, moon and the earth all to be in 3-body alignment. Scientific discoveries have been made during solar eclipses, especially total eclipses. They allow scientists to see the chromosphere (Sun’s atmosphere), Bailey’s Beads (caused by Moon’s irregularities), the “Diamond ring” effect (caused by light through a deep Moon valley), as well as other effects. Don highlighted past discoveries made possible by eclipses. For example, measurements taken during a total eclipse were used to verify Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, proposed in 1905, by verifying the bending of light from distant stars by Solar gravity. He also discussed the probabilities of being able to observe total eclipses. He used Biblical references, and talked about constellations, Zodiac, astrology, and astronomy. He included God’s use of heavenly signs, especially those recorded in the Bible and the 7-year separation between the very rare total solar eclipses.

Dr. Don Johnson