March 11, 2016

Post date: Oct 26, 2016 10:27:06 PM

Maureen O'Kane

"The Big Bang and Black Holes: Proven Science or Assumptions?" by Maureen O'Kane.Many cosmological concepts are presented to the general public as established fact, but actually are hotly debated in the scientific community. Maureen contrasted what some of the naturalistic theories say vs. what Scripture says.The Big Bang! Theories presented as fact, guesses published as evidence, costly projects based on as.sumptions -- is this true science? A comparison of creation and evolution’s logic, as well as issues even the evolutionary scientists are re-visiting. Black Holes: Menace or Myth? Maureen compared what a prominent evolutionary astrophysicist claims is the truth about black holes to what Scripture has to say about these phenomena. Maureen O’Kane shares her research and images as a lay-person, having been on both sides of the evolution/creation fence. For her, it comes down to the standard we choose to determine truth, both scientific and religious, and where we place our ultimate faith; God or man?