God's World Exploration Station: September and October, 2020

Post date: Feb 1, 2021 7:37:59 PM

The Exploration Station is also known as the Leavenworth Creation Museum, and is located at 90 Elderberry Lane, Peshastin, WA. Directions to the museum: click here.

Saturday Sept. 19:

11:00 AM "Fossils and Creation"

The surface of the Earth contains billions of fossils, remnants of a lost world. How did they come to be? There are two possible explanations: they were formed gradually over millions of years over endless cycles of birth, the struggle for life, death and decay; or they’re a result of a worldwide Flood just thousands of years ago as depicted in the book of Genesis. Which is correct? This presentation will show how the evidence fits the Biblical Flood better than millions of years of gradual accumulation.

12:30 PM Fossil Hunt at Blewett Pass, led by Irvin Alloway

4:00 PM "Dinosaurs: Monsters of the Ancient World"

Evolutionary theory holds that dinosaurs dominated the earth during the Age of Reptiles, some 230 to 65 million years ago, before mammals evolved. Then they were all killed off by some catastrophic event, generally supposed to have been an asteroid strike. But mounting evidence indicates that although there was a cataclysmic event in the past, some dinosaurs survived that event. Hundreds of clues from many different cultures around the world lend support to the contention that they were around much more recently than 65 million years ago. If this is true, serious questions are raised about dinosaur evolution and the evolutionary timescale.

This talk is an introduction to the subject of dinosaurs, which presents evidence from paleontology, archaeology, legends, old chronicles, and the Bible that stories of ancient monsters are more than just myths. This evidence undergirds the case for recent creation and the accuracy of the Bible.

Saturday Oct. 10

11:00 AM "Fossils and Creation"

12:30 AM Fossil Hunt at Blewett Pass, led by Irvin Alloway

4:00 PM "Washington's Other Catastrophe: The Lake Missoula Flood"

Most people know about the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, but not as many have heard about the giant flood that carved out the landscape of Eastern Washington.

In another example of how long-ages thinking has dominated the natural sciences for the last 200 years, geologists rejected the notion of a huge catastrophic flood in the Pacific Northwest because it sounded too much like the Genesis Flood. But one man stood up to the scientific establishment for 40 years before he finally was able to convince them that it doesn’t take millions of years to drastically alter the surface of the Earth. His name was J Harlen Bretz.

The Lake Missoula Flood provides a model of what happened during Noah’s Flood.

For more information please contact the Exploration Station at (360) 367-1107.